Awesome! I took mine to Apple service centre and they ruled out the thunderbolt ICs, so it must be the other one? Since they said, had it been the Thunderbolt ones, it could have been fixed with less amount, but they diagnosed and found out its the one on the motherboard, and they can't do repairs, only replacement.Okay, I have some experience fixing macbooks.
The model you have, there are typically 2 reasons why the laptop does not power on.
1) There are 4 power IC's, one for each thunderbolt port. Even if one of them malfunctions, none of them will work. I believe the part number for these are U9300 338S00227-A0.
2) The other thing that can go bad is ISL95828HRTZ U7100. This is a power IC that feeds 3V3 etc.
I can with a lot of confidence say that your problem is with one of these chips and a replacement should not cost more than USD 20-30. Not sure how easy it would be for you to get spares domestically.
How hard is it to do it yourself? Or if I have the right part, I can just get it done somewhere?