MAFIA II ~Discussion Thread~

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Well, my wifi has started working again. (Phew !).

So Mafia II is also working. :)

But in a few mins before it worked I tried offline mode again and again it wouldn't allow me to play the game.

Thankfully I managed to rectify the wifi connection and everything is fine again.

@joy1 - Its cool. But somehow I dont think I will ever get to like steam. :(
the story deserve better then nice i think,if anyone played the earlier version, definitely know why the first game is a gem and why the 2nd game too
I am new to PC gaming , i was earlier playing this with onboard graphics , yesterday bought a HD6850 , i get jagged edges/shadows in gameplay , i thought after upgrading to 6850 this will be gone ,

i made two very small size in game videos please look at them

1) MEGAUPLOAD - The leading online storage and file delivery service , look at his hat and coat

2) The background and neon signs flicker when i run and stop flickering when i stop.

I just want to know if this is normal with a card like 6850 or some hardware/driver/game issue , i know this games in game Anti aliasing dosnt work well. Only other game i have installed now is farcry 2 and that too had similar issue when i did its inbuilt benchmark. ( i have a video of this too)

System - i3 540 @stock , 4gb ram , HD6850 ( driver 11.4) , samsung 20" monitor

Game settings -
himanshuaieee said:
^^ Posting link to a file hosting site, is not avery good idea buddy!!

Please edit ur post!!

Unless it contains illegal content, I don't see why he can't post his videos in a file hosting site.
himanshuaieee said:
^^ Posting link to a file hosting site, is not avery good idea buddy!!

Please edit ur post!!
I made those videos so there is nothing illegal .

Can someone look at the videos? they are only 13 mb and 7 mb in size.
^The video looks fine to me. I think you are just nitpicking, its a very minor issue. Is 1600x900 the native resolution of your monitor? If not, then run the game in your native resolution. You can also try forcing AA from Catalyst Control center and see if it helps.
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Ok, will try that ...

--- Updated Post - Automerged ---

Cant notice any difference after enabling AA in CCC , this says it dosnt support forced AA

Neither GTA IV nor Mafia II support anti-aliasing when forced through the Catalyst Control Center unfortunately as they use what are called 'deferred lighting' engines that are incompatible with traditional AA such as multi-sampled AA (MSAA) when ran under DirectX 9, which both games use.
AMD Game Forums - I'm having big probems with Anti-Aliasing. Please help!
Re: Mafia II

himanshuaieee said:
You as you all say driving was always a pain in the ass....But it these few factor that maade the game much much real to life....

Remeber that stage in which you have to go to farm...You have to drive all the way....And when you get down its all vaccant ....and that spooky feeling keeps killing you...

And then, you to get rid of those bootoleggers using gold old Thompson 1928.... Seriously those things I could never forget,.......Saw the gameplay trailer today...... Thanks for th link ...Seriously cant wait anymore...Comeon Rockstar people......

good gaming memory,,and before entering into the house if u rack the car,,then the villain will not able to run away with the car,,mafia1 is one of the best gaming exp. for me yet,,only max payne 1 n 2,mass effect n current ac2 can come to that level

// dude please change ur profile pic if possible :P

//as for ati advanced setting, I will suggest ATI Tray Tools, you can lot of customization for each of your games and its really lite on system, much better thn ATI CCC, link
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