User Guides Making Cross and Straight network cable


Choose the right cable

1. To Connect PC to PC Cross Cable.
2. To Connect PC to HUB/SWITCH/ROUTER Straight Cable.


Understanding CAT 5 Cables

Wires: CAT 5 Cable has 4 pairs of copper wire inside it.

Colors: Standard cables has BROWN, BROWN WHITE, GREEN, GREEN-


Making Straight Cable
Nomenclature: let us first give a number scheme for cabling which we will follow throughout this tuto. BROWN (8), BROWN WHITE (7), GREEN (6), GREEN WHITE (3), BLUE (4), BLUE WHITE (5), ORANGE (2), ORANGE WHITE (1)

Requirements: Two RJ45 Connectors, Crimping tool & CAT 5 cable of desired
length(less than 250 meters).
STEP 3.1

Just an additional info, jargons are only for knowledge:

There are two standards adopted for Cabling EIA/TIA 568A & EIA/TIA 568B. (for ease consider these standard as a coloring standard on connector's end)
When you use single standard (either EIA/TIA 568A or EIA/TIA 568B) on both the end of cable then the resulting cable is STRAIGHT CABLE.
On the other hand if you use different cabling standard on the ends of cable then the resulting cable is CROSS CABLE
I’ll use EIA/TIA 568B standard for creating cross and straight cable
The figure below very well define the EIA/TIA 568B standard

1. Remove the covering of CAT 5 cable.
2. Straighten the eight wires of the cable.
3. Using Crimping tool’s cutter cut the end of wires so that they are of same
4. Arrange the wire in order 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 & 8 respectively as I have
mention or as shown in the diagram.
5. Insert the arranged cable in the RJ45 connector with clip pointing down
exactly as shown in the figure.
6. In crimping tool insert the head of RJ45 connector and crimp (press) it
7. Follow same step with same color order for the other end of cable too.
8. The wire you made by following these steps is a STRAIGHT cable.


Making CROSS Cable
Of the Eight wires in Cat 5 not all are used for data transfer when using 100Mbps Ethernet card. Only 2 pairs of cable are used i.e. 2 wire for transmitting signal and two wires for receiving signal.

Following diagram describes what I want to say:

So now you can guess why we have to make CROSS CABLE for connecting same kind of devices. Because if use same color coding on both the side than transmitter of one m/c will send data to transmitter of another and data packets will lost, so we have to change wiring code so that transmitter of one connects to reciver of other and vice-versa.

Reference diagram:

Here are the Steps:
Steps 1 to 6 are same as for STRAIGHT through cables
7. Only difference is in color coding of other side of wire.
8. Wire that is on 1st number on A-side (one end) should be on 3rd number
on B-side (other side) & vice-versa.
9. Wire that is on 2st number on A-side (one end) should be on 6rd number
on B-side (other side) & vice versa.
10. Now Crimp the RJ45 connector.
11. Your CROSS wire is completed.
digrams taken from net for representation
Let me know your comments and suggestions so that we can improve this tutorial.

Heh he nice find Eddy; :p

Although its mentioned "CnP from some other forum"; in the extreme right, down of the article;
Ryunosuke said:
Can we use a USB cable to connect 2 PCs?

Better no. USB Cabels are from various types. You can damage your PC (like burn Motherboards) if cable is not the right one. And this cables are expensive too.
Ryunosuke said:
Can we use a USB cable to connect 2 PCs?

You can use Parallel Lap Link Cable to connect two PC, if they are PC are kept close (~1 Meter).

For USB cable I have check on net if there is an option to do so. Will revert back if I found some stable solution.