Making exe


I have done a stand alone project on Java Swing and MySql where the frontend is designed by Swing and backend is designed on MySQL

I wanna build an exe of the project by incorporating the MySql schema and tablespace into the archieved file(exe/jar)

Plz tell me whether is it possible?
If it is possible then tell me how can I do this .:huh: :huh:
You can create EXE using winRAR and many other tools available in market. I am dealing with the same type of project. Generally I create EXE in winRAR only. if you want more help you can send mail to me.
Visual J++ will make an EXE, but i never got around making my swing apps to work with it. My approach was to use env variables to keep track of app path. use a batch file to execute .jar. You can additionally make a small application in VB which will execute the command for you and disappear.

It will be better if you extract your schema as a .sql and execute it on mysql prompt. If you want to make it more customizable, ask user for mysql login info. Execute a shell script or batch file depending on OS after extracting the file.