As foreseen by many gamers with the announcement for Manhunt 2 for the Wii, concern has risen regarding the game's "true to life" emulation of what can only be described as "The Movements of Murder". In this regard, the PS2 and PSP versions have been pretty much ignored completely within the press while all attention is diverted to this notably more violent version. Florida Attorney General, Bill McCollum feels that the game should not be heading to Wii for the Wii is generally supposed to be a "kids-friendly" console, an image Nintendo has not been able to shake for years.
To add salt to an already festering wound, it seems that McCollum is only acting upon a letter received from a close friend, and that's everyone's favourite American politician, Mr Jack Thompson. Thompson allegedly sent McCollum a letter containing the following, which has influenced the politician to take a defensive stance against the title.
"Florida retailers are scheduled to sell a very violent video game called Manhunt 2 which will be available, remarkably, for “play†on the kids-friendly Nintendo Wii gaming platform. The Wii device does not utilize traditional push button game controllers but instead utilizes hand-held motion capture devices… It is a training device."
We'll keep you updated on the title's progress here at Vooks and also wonder how much of a fuss this title will cause when actually released. We can only wait.
Source: Go Nintendo - What are you waiting for?
Wats the problem with this man???
He's behaving like the DICK in the movie xXx!!!
Games are meant to enjoyed....the young lads are been trained to be professional killers....???