I did and here, I only received gems like got more than what you ask here. Sometimes OLX can surprise you.
yes its jailbroken that's why i offered you 20k.for a 4th gen console and 2 years old i would have not offered even 15k infect i would have offered nothing.
i have 8 tb of PS cracked games ps2,ps3,ps4 and some titles are not available on PC and my kids wants to play those games this is reason i am seeking
a ps4 .already have 2 pc with 3090 amd 3080ti. when my kids have played those games you can take it back if you like at 3k lower then price i pay you within one month.
.now don't sulk and i will give 23k and shipping deal done.
you will give me 4,5 days testing warranty. unit shall not be not repaired ie circuit board previously.anything else replaced like hd or whole part or opened 1000 time i don't mind.
you dont gets even death you wished for.send me bank details