how many hour have your play and sex scene with whom so any important story what is your favorite u like it
108 hours, romanced Cora. For broRyder they spent the most effort on Cora romance, then Peebee, then Vetra, then Gill. For sisRyder I think Jaal and Peebee romance was the most focussed, then Liam, Suvi etc.
The main story is, well, pretty decent. There is some bad writing in the mid game where nothing seems to happen, the side quests are boring and loyalty missions are so so. It picks up towards the end but falls short of epic due to some bad direction, sound issues and quest design. The characters, well, I didn't like them much compared to Original Trilogy cast. Only Jaal stands out. But they had 3 games while this is only the first game. The voice acting was pretty good though. My favorite, definitely exploring Eos, Kadaara and Elaaden on the Nomad and blowing people up with tech combos.
Do I like it? No. It's such a unacceptable product from Bioware. Bugs everywhere, game freezing, saves not loading, infinite loading screen, scripts not triggering. And there is no epic writing or music or dialogue or character to save it. Yes the combat is brilliant, but you can't control squadmates which is a huge negative for me. The menus are bloated and badly designed. Crafting is made overly convoluted for no discernible reason. The ship flying cutscenes from planet to planet and clusters are a huge waste of time and non skippable. Then there is no quicksave and saves are disabled in certain missions. It's just a huge mess of bad design decisions. And I am not even going to touch on the facial animations.
If you want to play it, wait till it is under ₹1000.