My premium a/c expired on 27 July, i'm so glad i didn't renew it.
RS is blocking IP's in the 59.170 -59.189 subnet due to hacking attemps frm some of these ip's.
Ip's allotted to MTNL lie in this subnet. RS might unblock once the attacks subside.
Till that is done the only solution is proxy servers... or you can use your neighbors wifi connection like i am
hyeah: :devil:
Most of the free proxy's aren't working... atleast for me.
Use this, it works. Its quite slow thought ~15KBps
RS is blocking IP's in the 59.170 -59.189 subnet due to hacking attemps frm some of these ip's.
Ip's allotted to MTNL lie in this subnet. RS might unblock once the attacks subside.
Till that is done the only solution is proxy servers... or you can use your neighbors wifi connection like i am

Most of the free proxy's aren't working... atleast for me.
Use this, it works. Its quite slow thought ~15KBps