Max Payne 3 - Discussion Thread

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I can see most avatars in this page barring yours (must be an error because the resolution of the avatar is too big?) and the ad on the top-right corner. Using the latest build of Chrome.

PS: Let us keep the feedback limited to the other thread.
Last post regarding this.
My avatar is exactly 100x100 andi can see it in Firefox and not in chrome. SO yea Browser is at fault i guess.
MP3: My thoughts

Saw lots of gameplay on youtube yesterday. Should commend rockstar on keeping the core gameplay mechanics similar to the earlier games (bullet-time, dive etc.). Though a few negatives I think are:
  • Missing the noir elements. I liked the dialog better in MP2 and the visions Max had in cutscenes. Here, its mostly Max drinking, taking pills and passing out.
  • The in-game music takes away from the atmosphere. I wish they'd have stick to quirky radio and TV programming like in MP2.
  • The Portuguese dialog isn't translated even in subtitles and is used heavily. Kind of a put-off to not understand whats going on.
  • IMO, a dark, wintry NYC (with much detailed locations than MP2) would have been a better choice than Brazil. But that's just me.

Can't comment any further as haven't seen the entire playthrough. The story does seem to be trivial (saving Boss's wife) but I expect a lot of reference to older characters and also turns and twists later on. Can't wait for it to come to PC as I absolutely detest playing the sub-par version :angry:.
I pre-ordered it on flipkart, it says I'll get some free DLC.
Will such downloadable content be released simultaneously with the game or later in the year?
My impressions:
1. Story telling is great. Its really slow and might not been for everyone.
2. Thank God a game when you cant just go bam, bam! No regenerating health bar which is they way it should be.
3. The game is quite short. Yeah people have completed in 10-12 hr but mainly cause of padding by long cut scenes.
4. For people annoyed by guns magically disappearing in Binary Domain are in for another round. Though the gun doesnt disappear entirely, you end up holding to handgun between scenes. Later levels its becomes more annoying as the enemies become tougher.
5. No subtitles for foreign language lines. The font is weird and half of the time you cant see anything.
6. For some reason, they thought it will be a good idea to have Max stand out straight after completing a bullet time. So in heat of battle; trying to avoid at that last moment wont really help you. Especially when Max stands back out instead of getting into cover.
Performance is looking good guys! Looks like waiting for the PC version might be worth it! :D



  • max-payne-3-perf-chart.jpg
    12.1 KB · Views: 163
YAY! The stats for 560Ti look really good. I hope they are stable though. Can't afford the frame rates bouncing all over the place. BTW what's the source of the pic, Ram?
So i suppose then if the game gives us a push back on hardware we can switch to DX9 mode if these are Dx11 stats. I guess that's also fine. :)
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