i think if the movie had been made a few yrs back clint eastwood would have been the perfect maxpayne but now i think hugh jackman or melgibson will fit in fine
Even as Chuck has been hit on the head...he has survived...all thanks to his hard head(tht's using the old head eh...hyeah: ) and so he can still make it to the movie.
Michael Jackson will be in the movie set wearing a thong so as to show how dedicated he/she or whatever tht thing is...to act as mona.:tongue:
Sorry for Bringing back This Old Thread , But Have one Question , Is There Really a Movie being made on Max Payne ? :O
Anyways , who were the actors in maxpayne 2 Graphic Novel ? They were the best ! And if they can Act then its going to be the Best film ever .....
But if we have to Pick stars then ....... how abt Antonio Banderes as Max and Jolie or Monica bellucci as Mona ? Or we can also Have Bruce willis or Tom Cruise as Max !