MBA @ Aus

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Guys , planning to do MBA , this Feb @ Melbourne, Aus... Got offer from Deakin Uni. Also from La Trobe, suggest me which one to go for....:huh::huh:
Both are useless. Try for some other universities. I wanted to go to Aus 2.5 years back but backed off when the racist attacks started.

If u get admission in any of the G8 universities go there eyes closed. Here is the list G8 Aus Uni's
Not intending to for a job search after the MBA, will be coming back and take up family business , so for the basic knowledge and the exposure , MBA from these unis will be good enough?
Then please don't waste money and go for an Indian univ . Hell it can even be iipm if ur not that bothered about ur placement . Study wise iipm is decent at least thats what my friend says cos hes in it. But they are different at different places I dunno what experience you might have . But spending a lot for studying in an abroad decent univ is not worth it ... at least it should be a good univ if not the top or elite .
anish_sha said:
Not intending to for a job search after the MBA, will be coming back and take up family business , so for the basic knowledge and the exposure , MBA from these unis will be good enough?

stay away from iipm.try this,apply for xat since forms are still available;study a little bit,mainly english,logic and quants and give the paper.

apply for colleges like ximb,gim,imt and get into them.great education and also at a decent price in comparison to Australia.
:O :O way expensive than my uni in NZ. If u want to go put of India and enjoy better take half of that money go on a tour. Its better than doing MBA from $h1tty uni.

You had started these threads earlier.

mentioning these as people replying will have a general idea of what you are looking to gain out of it.

Please mention in the first post your reason for doing the MBA. Most of the suggestions here will be from people who look towards MBA as a stepping stone towards a better career, which is not your case.
pr0ing said:
You had started these threads earlier.
mentioning these as people replying will have a general idea of what you are looking to gain out of it.

Please mention in the first post your reason for doing the MBA. Most of the suggestions here will be from people who look towards MBA as a stepping stone towards a better career, which is not your case.

ok let me tell u, my first thinking was to do the mba in U.S, but most of the schools there need gmat and also the course is 2 years, which is bit lengthy for me since i have to come back and join the family business, so i opted for U.K , got offer letters from uni of glasgow,herfordshire,coventry,aberdeen ,LSBF etc. So i went for a short trip to take a look @ the place,campus etc.. Spoke with some of my cousin's friends who done mba in these kindof unis and they told me its not worth if i am not planning to work there atleast for 2 years after the mba, since the visa rules r so strict that i cant stay back after the mba, thats not possible, else i wud have joined this sept intake... So now thinking of Australia....

Now the question why i am doing mba, i have done engineering in mechanical, so i dont have any knowledge of commercial and business aspects which is reqd for me to run the business, thats the reason i wanted to do Mba and the reason why i want to do in abroad is to get the international exposure....
No matter which part of the world you want to do MBA rules are simple. Work experince + decent GMAT score is needed to get admission. If u do get admission in any uni without GMAT then its useless to study there. I would say instead of blowing up so much money on a useless degrees spend 1/3 of the amount here in any stupid lame @$$ uni and save the rest of the money which might be usefull to start a business of ur own.

Just becuase MBA=Master of Business Administration , it doesnt mean that u need MBA to do business there are millions out there who are very sucessfull in what they do even with out a degree.

@anish sha no one is against u doing MBA or going abroad to blow up ur money. My or any one elses advise( in this thread and that UK MBA thread) is to make sure u choose the right uni or course.
lot of people does MBA from US, AUS is very expensive, and considering those racist even happening in Aus, i think you should avoid going to Australia for studies.
anish_sha said:
ok let me tell u, my first thinking was to do the mba in U.S, but most of the schools there need gmat and also the course is 2 years, which is bit lengthy for me since i have to come back and join the family business, so i opted for U.K , got offer letters from uni of glasgow,herfordshire,coventry,aberdeen ,LSBF etc. So i went for a short trip to take a look @ the place,campus etc.. Spoke with some of my cousin's friends who done mba in these kindof unis and they told me its not worth if i am not planning to work there atleast for 2 years after the mba, since the visa rules r so strict that i cant stay back after the mba, thats not possible, else i wud have joined this sept intake... So now thinking of Australia....

Now the question why i am doing mba, i have done engineering in mechanical, so i dont have any knowledge of commercial and business aspects which is reqd for me to run the business, thats the reason i wanted to do Mba and the reason why i want to do in abroad is to get the international exposure....

the thing is if you need basic business knowledge and management techniques,you will learn lot from a single book and some experience or rather you can join your dad's work and learn the i told you,you can do mba from some top colleges here in india itself and guess what the exposure and peer knowledge you will recieve is top top notch[only if you do from a good institute].after mba you can take a choice whether you want to do the job or work in your dad's company.
Results without putting any efforts is a big no no.

There ain't free lunches in this world, my friend.

Good luck.
Metalspree said:
:O :O way expensive than my uni in NZ. If u want to go put of India and enjoy better take half of that money go on a tour. Its better than doing MBA from $h1tty uni.

which is ur Uni?
Whats the fee there dude? Also whats the ranking of tht mba??

Why dont you try the family management courses at SP Jain or some of the IIM's. It is easier to get into.

There is nothing additional which an Aussie university will teach you, infact there is hardly any additional learning to continue family business. Spending those two years apprenticing in your own firm will be million times more valuable.

Most of the people whom I know join foreign university for the fun factor only (people intending to join family business). As someone suggested take a nice tour and join family business. It will save a lot of money and time.
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