MBA @ Aus

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anish_sha said:
Whats the fee there dude? Also whats the ranking of tht mba??

I paid anout $30,000NZD. What is the use of ranking :S. If you are serious about doing MBA only by Uni ranking then you should be doing it in our very own IIM which is faaaaaar better than any uni outside.
Aces170 said:
Why dont you try the family management courses at SP Jain or some of the IIM's. It is easier to get into.

There is nothing additional which an Aussie university will teach you, infact there is hardly any additional learning to continue family business. Spending those two years apprenticing in your own firm will be million times more valuable.

Most of the people whom I know join foreign university for the fun factor only (people intending to join family business). As someone suggested take a nice tour and join family business. It will save a lot of money and time.

Exactly my point. My reason of doing MBA was i wanted to be out of India for sometime.
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