Me, Myself n May

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toalk about wild fantasies :P

Masky, watch out, maybe i will come to your house :devil: and try out the food u cook
A380? :huh:.. cheap

i'll teleport to ur place rite away masky
so make sure u got the dinnr ready..:bleh:

BTW belated birthday wishes to you.
what kinda spam mongering is this... :P :bleh:
mask last you did this kinda thing you pulled a fast one on your engagement.. Now you can forget about me trusting you on anything :P

SuperNova posted 4.23 minutes later:

ok i didn't read the full 5 page of spam but

echo "wish you a happy birthday mate";
echo "oh you spammer!!";
Insert Into HappyBirthday

using A=System.Console;

class Bday
public static void Main()
A.WriteLine("Happy Belated B'Day");
A.WriteLine("Sorry for being late");
A.WriteLine("This Is a PRANK!!!!");
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