Medal of Honor discussion Thread.

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Game was far too easy and short.I usually died countless times in COD but in this game I died barely 2-3 times for the whole game(Normal difficulty).There's not much of a story in the game and this is huge problem especially if its trying to compete with titles like COD.

I liked the peek and lean and the sliding into cover controls,it really changed the way I played,I was taking cover a lot more and avoided running blindly into a fight which I do very often in other FPSs.Overall I liked the game because it was fun to play.Its definitely exciting and has the same pace you find in the COD series which I feel was lacking in BFBC2.

This is the first game in the MOH series that I've played so I don't know if its ruined the series or anything.I recommend this game because I think it has the essence of good FPS with its pace and excitement ,even though this excitement is short-lived and is shrouded by the many bugs in the game.If anyone is starting the game now,they should try the hard difficulty level because the normal level was way too easy.
I liked the game too but just like others, I feel the game was too small. Maybe cuz most of the publishers are cutting down on games as they have cut down on numbers of games through-out the year. The Graphics, the chatters, the locations made the game worthwhile.
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