Media Player which can play subtitles on black bar ??

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I have several movie files and most of them have subtitles with them (srt, sub/idx ones). I am currently using VLC player to play them but the problem is that the subtitles come on the movie frame itself and not on the black bars. When i see these movies using my PS2 they are displayed properly on black bars. Please suggest if there is any workaround in VLC player ?
If no then suggest a new media player.
I cannot install the codec pack on my machine as this is office lappy. So codec pack + Windows media player is out of question.
hey installation wont be a problem. I mean i install stuff on the lappy and then backup the main folder on my external HDD / PEN DRIVE and then run the program off it. In literal sense install and then immediately uninstall it.

PS: Currently running skype, utorrent, img burn etc using this method only/.
Duh.. in subtitles setting, go to its placement and change the subtitle position accordingly.. Use kmplayer if you can't in vlc :P
sachin1 said:
are u serious ?

km player is just a kabad!

Have u lost your brains.

KM Player does it.

Pause KMPlayer while its playing video with subs and follow these to show the black bar or baground for a sub.

Method 1

Simply Press Alt + F9 , Done :)

Method 2

Right Click on the Video while its playing to get the KMPlayer Menu

Subtitles > Subtitle Effects > Use Background [Checked]

Striker10 said:
Duh.. in subtitles setting, go to its placement and change the subtitle position accordingly.. Use kmplayer if you can't in vlc :P

i tried in VLC player but i could not get the subs above or below the black bars. But yes they go till the boundary of the movie but not beyond that
i installed KM player and uninstalled it. But before that i copied its folder on my HDD. But the problem is that now when i open a video file in it there are two videos coming of the same movie side by side. When i do a full screen the video only occupies the left top quandrant of the screen and rest all is blank. It seems it would work properly when INSTALLED and not the way i am trying to
Quad Master said:
Have u lost your brains.

KM Player does it.

Pause KMPlayer while its playing video with subs and follow these to show the black bar or baground for a sub.

Method 1

Simply Press Alt + F9 , Done :)

Method 2

Right Click on the Video while its playing to get the KMPlayer Menu

Subtitles > Subtitle Effects > Use Background [Checked]


I also wondering about the same thing...anyways I tried these settings in KMplayer and i got it this and its not on the black bars:S

In kmplayer, go to Options->Preferences->Subtitle processing and select "draw to overlay surface" . To adjust the position of the subtitle, go to alignment and under subtitle Alignment/Margins, you can change the value of its position.
Go to Kmplayer's options > preference > Subtitle Processing > select Draw to VMR/D3D surface(also tick both boxes below)

Use VMR9 Renderless Video Mode for out put these settings will give you high quality subtitles on the bottom of the screen instead of on the picture itself.

For changing the video output mode go to Video (Advanced) > Video Renderer > select VMR9 Renderless

@Raksrules, go to Options> Preference > press Initiallize All presets(at the bottom of the preference window) I hope this will solve the full screen video problem of yours(i don't know which OS you are using, if XP then use VMR9 Renderless Output like i mentioned earlier. For Vista use EVR Video Output)

(I guess i am bit late in posting this)
Striker10 said:
In kmplayer, go to Options->Preferences->Subtitle processing and select "draw to overlay surface" . To adjust the position of the subtitle, go to alignment and under subtitle Alignment/Margins, you can change the value of its position.

done thanks:)
knoughtyd said:
I also wondering about the same thing...anyways I tried these settings in KMplayer and i got it this and its not on the black bars:S

I completely misunderstood the question.

Draw To Overlay Surface is the solution to it.

HotKey = Alt + R
there seems to be some issue with the cyberlink power dvd. I downloaded it.

Any other player ?

will try the tuning in km player...but if there is any other option please let me know
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