Metal Gear Solid Free for PC!

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wow. amazing. the best game ever made is now free. great.

is this the full game though? cause i remember the game released for pc was 2 cds.
Nice find, thank you!

Oh and everyone with graphic cards newer than the GeForce 5 series; dont bother with downloading, it wont run.
I played Twin Snakes on gamecube, the boss fight vs Psycho Mantis was absolutely surreal, nothing like I've played in any other game O_O

Don't know if the original MGS replicates that experience. Also, the game can't be 103mb. The cutscenes in the game should alone go over 500mb.
Just play the PSX version on ePSXe for a much better experience. You will be able to take advantage of the emulator's advanced filtering capabilities.
Params7 said:
I played Twin Snakes on gamecube, the boss fight vs Psycho Mantis was absolutely surreal, nothing like I've played in any other game O_O

Don't know if the original MGS replicates that experience. Also, the game can't be 103mb. The cutscenes in the game should alone go over 500mb.

yes mgs 1 is exactly the same as Twin snakes on gamecube. the gamecube version does handle better as it is made on the mgs2 engine & also has better controls.
btw it looks like this is MGS one ...because if this is...then i i already have runs on very low resolution.............
stormblast said:
yes mgs 1 is exactly the same as Twin snakes on gamecube. the gamecube version does handle better as it is made on the mgs2 engine & also has better controls.

The Twin Snakes(TTS) added OTT action sequences and bad voice acting..especially Deepthroat and Frank Jaeger,hence i prefer the original PS1 version...Also ppl who have never played MGS1 or the entire MGS quadrology are missing a big part of gaming itself
I still remember facing Psycho Mantis..he telling me to place the controller on the ground so that he can move it with his mind and the best was
"You Like Castlevaniaaaaa.......",i was like WTF dude how do u know that!!!!
Solid_Snake said:
The Twin Snakes(TTS) added OTT action sequences and bad voice acting..especially Deepthroat and Frank Jaeger,hence i prefer the original PS1 version...

yes ofcourse the psx version remains the classic. but twin snakes wasnt that bad a remake. it was a great thing to replay the game with way better gfx.

gray fox pwns all. i was hoping so much that they would somehow find a way to get him in mgs4 but sadly it was not to be.
Solid_Snake said:
The Twin Snakes(TTS) added OTT action sequences and bad voice acting..especially Deepthroat and Frank Jaeger,hence i prefer the original PS1 version...Also ppl who have never played MGS1 or the entire MGS quadrology are missing a big part of gaming itself
I still remember facing Psycho Mantis..he telling me to place the controller on the ground so that he can move it with his mind and the best was
"You Like Castlevaniaaaaa.......",i was like WTF dude how do u know that!!!!

xD :rofl: I have to play that again
is there anyway i can increase this game's resolution beyond 640*480 ?? or is there any patch that would do the trick since i m finding the game a bit dull in low resolution.... and since i have never played this game b4, i would also be very thankful if anybody could tell me does this game use mouse as well since up till now i have been using only the keyboard....
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