MGS: HD Collection - Discussion Thread

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Pretty surprising there wasn't a thread on this one? Or I am missing something here! :P

Anyways, the game was released for the PSP during Summer 2010. The game ports to both the PS3 and X360 later this year (Nov. 2011 tentatively) as a part of the MGS HD Colelction.

As usual with any other MGS title, this one was met with solid reviews garnering 89/100 on Metacritic and 40/40 on Famitsu. The game received several other accolades as well.

Here is the recent HD footage released by Konami:


Can't wait for this title! :ohyeah:

Kojima. Hail.
Spacescreamer said:
So should i stop in my tracks ?

i was about to pick up MGS4 sometime later in july..
Well yeah you are about to pick up a lot many titles (and PLAY them ofc) so this isn't a big deal I suppose. :P

Do you recall who sent me the MGS 4 copy by any chance?
Oh sure i do :) (i was expecting some smarty pants remark from you about my playing 'streak', and u didn disappoint. ;) )

Good deal that one. But sadly didnt had a ps3 back then and you never sent yours :P

Bailed out of this rat race of playing games at break neck speed long back. Now i just play to have a good time.. except ofc when UC3 comes out and sets adrenaline bursting again. Then it wont be about 'Good times' its gonne be about kickin some @**.
Spacescreamer said:
Oh sure i do :)

Good deal that one. but sadly didnt had a ps3 with be back then and you never sent yours :P

Bailed out of this rat race abt playing the games at break neck speed long back. Now i just play to have a good time.. except ofc when UC3 comes out and sets adrenaline bursting again.
Glad you do! :P

OT: I have no words to describe how the MGS 4 experience felt like. Although honestly the last epilogue sequence was a bit too lengthy and I was almost on the verge of falling asleep. It was pretty late that night by the time the game concluded.
I played a bit of MGS4.. had acquired the magazine and that was the last part i played. :P

but this streak of Sony aint really gonna be too kind on people who havent played the block buster games on ps2.

I have heard good things about the franchise and people still snare the mgs games of ps2 in a snap. Lookin fwd to this.

might as well pursuade some friends to purchase a console for the remastered ver.
Hopefully the kill-zone HD collections also comes out like this so that we don't miss out the Kill zone 1 action...

Any idea which all games are coming in this HD collection of MGS...sorry I haven't played any of the MGS games ...:ashamed:
Ethan_Hunt said:
YAY! The 360 version is available now. Perfect time to have a region-free console. :clap:

That's awesome! Since you haven't played MGS 4 yet, I reckon this is the perfect timing you were waiting for. :)

I'm looking forward to play Snake Eater and Peace Walker.
Yes, but unfortunately, with the weight of the ever increasing back-log, I'm not sure when I'll be able to play this. :(

But playing these titles will get me up to speed with it's story, YES?
Ethan_Hunt said:
YAY! The 360 version is available now. Perfect time to have a region-free console. :clap:

Yes MGS2 and MGS3 will provide good story to proceed to end up with MGS4 , Peace Walker is more of Independent story.
Ethan_Hunt said:
But playing these titles will get me up to speed with it's story, YES?

Jep! I haven't played MGS 1 either. Simply read up on the plot from the web and started MGS 2. If you loved playing the classic stealth based titles such as Hitman, Project IGI and Splinter Cell, this is going to be a kick-arse experience for you! :)
I personally think that this is just a new trend to milk money out of hit franchises. I can never go back and play the old games when I can just buy the latest superior version. Example being the God of war series, I completed GOW 1 and 2 on the PS2 but I didn't have any interest in playing them again in HD when I can just play the superior GOW3 instead.
Bluffmaster said:
I personally think that this is just a new trend to milk money out of hit franchises. I can never go back and play the old games when I can just buy the latest superior version. Example being the God of war series, I completed GOW 1 and 2 on the PS2 but I didn't have any interest in playing them again in HD when I can just play the superior GOW3 instead.

You don't seem to get it. For a newbie who has just got himself a spanking new console, what good is it if he knows nothing about the past titles and then jumps to the latest one? He knows absolutely nothing on the plot and mere reading doesn't make up for it either. More so, remastering it in HD ensures that the titles which may have been played on CRT displays back then, can now be played on larger HDTVs on better visuals and resolutions. At least that was the story with me as far as the GOW franchise is concerned. I played the first two titles, waited a bit until the third was released. I was able to relate to the story and appreciate it in a better sense which I believe would not have happened if I had attempted GOW 3 directly and then the prequels. Like someone else did on the forum. :P

I for one would definitely appreciate this move from the devs. end. Oh I want a Killzone and KZ: Liberation HD remake. :(
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