MGS4 remains PS3 exclusive!!!!

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In a discussion with Mr.Hideo Kojima, Kojima mentioned that MGS4 will be on PS3 on only....chk the link out.....
"But like I said, MGS4 is aimed for the movie theatre, it's aimed for the PS3, so the game's scenario and graphics need this theatre-type hardware. It's when a producer has a game that can work on the 'DVD level' that a game will go multiplatform", he says. Sorry kids. Your "OMGMGS4360" banners will have to come out another day.

Source:Feature: Talkin' Metal Gear With Hideo Kojima - Kotaku

Looks like Xbox360 fanboys have to play with :bleh: Devil may Cry:bleh:
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Kojima will say whatever the hell he can to hide the fact that he's a biased asshole. Just accept you're in bed with Sony... We'll understand. No need for all the bullshitting, Kojima.
Why blame Kojima....Blame M$ for not making a worthy machine...if you know the red ring of death also......terrible sounds....stability cant run it for long period.....otherwise there are reports of some Melting 360's....Bcos MGS4 will require longer play hours....
You just brought up an even worser defense than he did. I'll agree about the X360 not supporting "next-gen audio", but is sound really that important to a game? The answer is simply no. Visuals are! and the X360 has the hardware to pull it off!

Also, you're over exaggerating the X360 stability problems. I can't even imagine that you're suggesting X360's all meltdown if they're played for too long. I've seen a a lot of demo kiosks in my own city and they're on all day long and I've yet to see any of them fail.
I am not defending him or SONY...but only stating that he's a developer although for a single series...but a DEVELOPER....he knows the nits & bits of all the consoles in market...its his wish not to develop on XBOX360.....also please do your homework if you can, chk on google for 360 meltdowns....
I have no problems with MGS4 being exclusive. Exclusives are important for every console out there. I only have a problem with devs justifying making a game exclusive by bringing out such stupid reasons.

Also, the fact that I, with my own eyes, can go to hundreds of shops across the city and see perfectly working X360's, discounts any shitty exaggerations across the internet. Why is this hard to understand?
Thats the discussion i wanted on this it that "why devs say X360 cant handle the heat???"
So a single dev said that, and Kojima, no less. Like the point I've been trying to make all along, it's just another shitty excuse.
I really want to know why did Kojima chose only PS3...bcos like a true gamer; I would like everyone to Enjoy MGS4...on all consoles...I know its difficult....But i really appreciate Capcom to make DMC4 a multi....
Ck Nish said:
Kojima will say whatever the hell he can to hide the fact that he's a biased asshole. Just accept you're in bed with Sony... We'll understand. No need for all the bullshitting, Kojima.

Oh come on that's biased!! The guy simply wants a machine with more space to work on, and coupled with Ps3 processing specs, he digging in and out of the machine to make this game an epic.

Would you call Bungie biased and sleeping in bed with M$ if they said the same thing for Ps3 and Halo3? Or Capcom with its X360 exclusives and Ps3?

Also, its not crazy to think he might've held a personal grudge for the Xbox and its community after the failure of MGS2 on it. I mean If I had a game that got This kind of a rating, and yet the port failed to bring up sales on the platform, I'd be pretty darn pissed off.
Params7 said:
Oh come on that's biased!! The guy simply wants a machine with more space to work on, and coupled with Ps3 processing specs, he digging in and out of the machine to make this game an epic.

Would you call Bungie biased and sleeping in bed with M$ if they said the same thing for Ps3 and Halo3? Or Capcom with its X360 exclusives and Ps3?

First of all Bungie is a part of microsoft. Why on earth will it make games for PS3? Secondly PS3 is an inferior machine in specs compared to the xbox 360. The cell first of all is one lame arch which no one likes to code for and secondly the GPU on that console is 7600GT level. Why a PS3 game can't be ported to X360 is beyond me :P. Thirdly compare the dev tools of the PS3 with the dev tools of the X360... no wonder devs are ditching the PS3. The dev tools on the PS3 feel like they are from the stone age. Mr Kojima does not write one line of code... he'd not know a thing :P. Go ask his devs what they'd want to code for :rofl:.
I thought the Ps3 could handle more processing than X360? In any case, Kojima himself is a developer with 20 years of experience under his belt (even if he hasn't written a code in his life, its not like the Devs can't talk to Kojima about how they feel about Ps3's difficult Dev Tools), and given the fact that Ps3 and X360 are two very different consoles, he's totally exploiting the Ps3's hidden capabilities (they did that with GoW and GoW2 and that game looks more beautiful than majority of the Xbox's games out there) to the best level he can, and this leaves him with no time and budget for a port.

And like this guy says it in the Kotaku Blog :

he obviously wasn't talking about the output quality of the consoles, he was using it as a metaphor to refer to the target audience and his interpretation on the standards of the consoles.

Maybe that's what he meant? Also, if Bungie is a part of M$, Kojima Productions of Konami is an unofficial part of Sony. Did you notice that little MGS PO going PSP exclusive? MGS has always been a Playstation franchise, many 3rd parties like Resident Evil have shifted to other platforms by the Ps2-gen but MGS was still there. Now since when did such loyalty lead to one thinking someone is sucking on someone's ***k?
Chaos said:
First of all Bungie is a part of microsoft. Why on earth will it make games for PS3? Secondly PS3 is an inferior machine in specs compared to the xbox 360. The cell first of all is one lame arch which no one likes to code for and secondly the GPU on that console is 7600GT level. Why a PS3 game can't be ported to X360 is beyond me :P. Thirdly compare the dev tools of the PS3 with the dev tools of the X360... no wonder devs are ditching the PS3. The dev tools on the PS3 feel like they are from the stone age. Mr Kojima does not write one line of code... he'd not know a thing :P. Go ask his devs what they'd want to code for :rofl:.

Please avoid this thread from fanboyism..its just a discussion about why did Kojima chose only PS3 for MGS4??? also there are other forums to satisfy your fanboyism....:P We'll know which console has how much power.....anyways what can kojima do on PS3 that he cant on XBOX360???Any views???
also please don again start with this console's powerful & that....

As mentioned in the interview Kojima is working on Psychological elements in the game....I wonder how it would affect the gameplay???
Seriously stop clutching at straws guys. It isn't going to keep the games exclusive to the ps3 :lol:

Edit: @params: There's nothing like "hidden" capabilities in a console ! :lol: It's just that the learning curve on ps2/ps3 programming tools is so freaking huge that by the time the devs get the hang of it the console is EOL'ed ! Something as gorgeous as Gears of War so early in consoles life speaks volumes about the x360 programming tools and the efforts Ms put in to make life easy for the devs.
Edit: @params: There's nothing like "hidden" capabilities in a console !

Ofcourse there isn't, I meant it in a theoretical way, the hidden here means the maximum potential of the console.
Params said:
h come on that's biased!! The guy simply wants a machine with more space to work on, and coupled with Ps3 processing specs, he digging in and out of the machine to make this game an epic.

There's nothing wrong with multiple DVD's. They used them when bringing MGS:TS to the Gamecube. Higher processing power also sounds like a lame excuse. There is nothing I've seen in MGS4 that would require that kind of power. This isn't a strategy or battle game that has hundreds of units on screen at a time. What could they possibly need that processing power for.

Params said:
Would you call Bungie biased and sleeping in bed with M$ if they said the same thing for Ps3 and Halo3? Or Capcom with its X360 exclusives and Ps3?

Chaos already addressed this.

Params said:
Also, its not crazy to think he might've held a personal grudge for the Xbox and its community after the failure of MGS2 on it. I mean If I had a game that got This kind of a rating, and yet the port failed to bring up sales on the platform, I'd be pretty darn pissed off.

MGS2 came to the Xbox a year after it was on the PS2. By then, everyone had already played it on a PS2. Konami must've been even bigger idiots than I thought if they seriously believed they'd have good sales on the Xbox. Also, Xbox wasn't a popular console. The PS2 was. You do not bring a timed exclusive from a popular console to a non-popular one. You just won't get the sales.
Blade_Runner said:
Seriously stop clutching at straws guys. It isn't going to keep the games exclusive to the ps3 :lol:

Edit: @params: There's nothing like "hidden" capabilities in a console ! :lol: It's just that the learning curve on ps2/ps3 programming tools is so freaking huge that by the time the devs get the hang of it the console is EOL'ed ! Something as gorgeous as Gears of War so early in consoles life speaks volumes about the x360 programming tools and the efforts Ms put in to make life easy for the devs.

I know that M$ is very supportive in helping the dev community but you are forgetting that also Sony has released Dev tools in GDC'07 to ease out dev community....also I know that the learning curve is high, but it is developers who have to create if they want to otherwise the only words i can describe is "Developers are been spoon fed by M$, whereas Sony wants developers to create something imaginative on their own instead of depending upon any engine"
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