MGS4 remains PS3 exclusive!!!!

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CkNish said:
Chaos already addressed this.

Its kind of funny how he only mentioned about Bungie and ignored Capcom, and you didn't seem to notice it either.

One can say Konami is M$'s Capcom, almost.
xXx said:
I know that M$ is very supportive in helping the dev community but you are forgetting that also Sony has released Dev tools in GDC'07 to ease out dev community....also I know that the learning curve is high, but it is developers who have to create if they want to otherwise the only words i can describe is "Developers are been spoon fed by M$, whereas Sony wants developers to create something imaginative on their own instead of depending upon any engine"
Technically those haven't eased the frustration either ;). That analogy is lame btw cuz game development is a difficult and arduous process involving lots of money and time. So easy dev tools > shitty dev tools anytime ;)
Its kind of funny how he only mentioned about Bungie and ignored Capcom, and you didn't seem to notice it either.

That's not the point! I've already mentioned that I have no problems with exclusives. At least, Capcom isn't running around claiming that Dead Rising and Lost planet aren't possible on the PS3.

Params Your Speeches ROCk Keep it up!!

What a surprise!
Blade_Runner said:
Technically those haven't eased the frustration either ;). That analogy is lame btw cuz game development is a difficult and arduous process involving lots of money and time. So easy dev tools > shitty dev tools anytime ;)

Thats where you are goin wrong...its not shitty dev tools....its for developer to create his own game, just like defragmenting wont help the drive as much a format would!!!got the point....
xXx said:
Thats where you are goin wrong...its not shitty dev tools....its for developer to create his own game, just like defragmenting wont help the drive as much a format would!!!got the point....
Umm nothing made sense in your post
Blade_Runner said:
Umm nothing made sense in your post

It means developing from the scratch would give you better results than developing on previously based engines....anyways this would go on n on....
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