Michael Jackson has died, reports say

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He transformed the music scene. The effect he had on worldwide scene was probably greater than Elvis or Sinatra. Right up there with The Beatles.

I was really looking forward to his London concerts. The tickets were sold out within minutes of being available for sale. this was when all the pundits were predicting that the series of shows would be an almighty flop.

The response to the concerts was tremendous. He was a business phenomenon.

R I P Moonwalking King of Pop!
^Me too, when I woke up I saw my mom watching the news and told me about this gr8 pop sensation's death. It's a pity he cudn't make it to perform for what wud hav been his last but definitely best performances starting from July 13.

"May the gates of heaven open up for him and holy water wash away all his sins."

I was looking forward to his London concerts too. I was not a huge MJ fan, but like everyone else i enjoyed his music. Hope his kids will be ok and well provided for.

Gawdayum MJ.. u died? :O :cry:

Last 8 years were dreaded hell for him. I feel the main cause of his death was his drug habits.
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