Storage Solutions Micro SD card for Android phone.

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Guys need to buy Micro SD card for my phone (preferably 32 GB).

A local shop quoted 1200 for 32 Gb (Sandisk ) I m not sure about what class it is.

Please put some light on which one should i buy ?
Doesn't matter much at that kind of size, is my take.

With smaller cards you will need to continuously optimise the contents and hence speed matters.

With a card that large, the content stays on the card, so the only time you will need the speed is the first time.

I have a Class 4 32GB Sandisk (bought when it was 2x the price a year ago) and I don't recall ever transferring more than a few hundred MB at a time on or from it, where the difference is not more than a single minute from a theoretically faster card. All the 24GB of FLAC files I stored on it a year ago are still on it.
Theres nothing wrong with a class if you can wait a bit longer :)..and the price is good.ebay sells it around 1250inr
Cranky has a very valid point and a class 4 should perform reasonably well in wrt all parameters. I bought myself some flashy class 10 sandisk today for the ease of transferring bigger files from PC (the card boasts some 30Mbps). I got it for 1600 bucks so thought of trying it just for the sake of it. for odd 1200 bucks, a class 4 would do just fine.
The Class 10 cards are good at sequential access (for file transfers) and the class 4 cards are good for random access (access data here and there by the o/s). Isnt it ? . I think a Class 6 would be a balance between sequential and random access. Hope i am not wrong...
Hope these help you to decide -

End user comparison of phone memory vs class 4 vs class 10

Class rating 1
class rating 2

From what I have seen is
Class 4 gives me write speed upto 4.5Mbs / read 10+Mbps
Class 10 gives me write speed upto 9Mbs / read 20+Mbps

On phone performance is noticeable during
1) File transfers
2) 720p + recording

For the rest of (regular) uses, class 10 will be surely better although not noticeable.

So identify your usage pattern and pick the better one.
for mobile phone and tablets class 4 or class 6 is enough..class 10 is not required.. i have class 4,6 and 10 cards of various size and didn't noticed any difference in speed(all sandisk)..many phone has issues with 32 gb class 10 card..
there is an xda thread where many users have checked the performance of various class cards and found that class 4 is more than enough..

class is not important but ensure that they are genuine..lot of fakes in the market...
For mobile any class 4 or 6 card is enough as most of the mobiles son't have enough in it to use the bandwidth of class 10 cards.
get a samsung 32gb class 10 sd card from ebay india for rs.1200 using a discount coupon.

- - - Updated - - -

get a samsung 32gb class 10 sd card from ebay india for rs.1200 using a discount coupon.
^^ What for? Would be waste of money.
P.S> I saw the same card was being sold for 700/-
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