PC Peripherals Microphone on my desktop not working

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Suddenly my microphone stopped working. I figured it was the fault of the physical microphone and not a software issue since the microphone is attached to the USB port by a USB-C to USB cable and I think I had some issues with the connection.

So I bought a brand new microphone from Amazon. I am a bit disappointed that it is not designed to connect to the jack outletsw (I think that is what they are called) like the speakers I have are. The new microphone conenctd to a USB port.

But the new microphone does not work either. I am going to let this post be a bit open ended and ask for help trouble shooting this. I have already donea few steps but nothing worked. So maybe I can get some suggestions here.

I will say this. I did an experiment where I took the microphone and plugged it into my laptop. It worked perfectly. I made a test video with the laptop's cam and the audio recorded just fine. I might also add that there is a way top plug in heaphones into the microphone and they worked fine too.

Here is the microphone type:
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may be a issue with the usb port not recognizing your mic try inserting is different ports

Try checking if it showing up, and if it is what device it is showing up as. It could also be a case of missing drivers, and also try a different port if it is not showing up.
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