Linux Microsoft’s Best Buy Lies About Linux Debunked

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TheBroker said:
See that's the problem with Linux. Getting people to move to Linux will be possible only when the learning curve is reduced. People are now used to using Windows so much, it's difficult to get people to learn a new thing altogether. Till then, users in Linux can keep cribbing how much Linux is good and secure and Windows Sucks. And of course, if drivers for file formats such as mp3 need to be downloaded, who will even bother downloading the driver and then listen to his favourite song? This was one of the things that peeved me off against using Ubuntu for the first time and I lacked an internet connection at that time.

Once you are used to the easy way of life in Windows, why would anyone settle for anything that makes life complex. Linux needs to create something more user friendly if it's gotta make an impact.

And I have atleast some idea about OSes, my Mom and Dad don't! Linux if it's got to make a real impact has to be friendly to all, not just me!

First of all Linux is not Windows. If you happy with windows, I advise you to stick to it:hap2: As you like the way thing are, then linux is not for you:P

I switched from windows because I was sick of virus attacks and frequent formatting:no: plus, I don't want to use an idiot friendly OS:tongue:
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