So the Windows Vista bug fix version is ready eh ? Folks are right about the upgrade part i.e. you need to have the old Vista OS installed.
I'm surprised people don't find that a bit cumbersome i.e. you will always need to install the old OS and then upgrade. I remember this problem when I received a Windows 98 upgrade version many years ago i.e. I always had to install Win 3.11 to upgrade.
Maybe folks need to reconsider and go in for a proper version :S?...or am I missing something here .....:ashamed:.
I guess I'm so used to reinstalling Microsoft OSes that I get scared when I hear the word "upgrade" .
Recently got a technet by mail. It had the preorder windows7 discount offer. But when i clicked the link it took me to the US site where the offer has closed.
I sent the mail to the editor Reshma the day I recd the technet and got a response that she cannot answer since she is travelling. So I have send the mail again today.