Microsoft charges $1 for pirated Windows

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Wonder if they will come up with this scheme in India. They will surely earn millions if everyone pays a Dollar.
if they come up with some Scheme in India....Thas It........they are in for a BIG Shock.......hahahaha....i guess 90% use pirated......anyway, i like a Fool Switched form Pirated to Original, and Bought one.........Now after the New Original ONE....Befor I had SP2......I had somany trouble with the original one........Damn
Linux Is The Best
All those who say they will move over to linux should at least try it first for a month without even touching winXP.
Interceptor said:
All those who say they will move over to linux should at least try it first for a month without even touching winXP.

I agree, Kde comes very close but still cant beat xp in simplicity etc.
huh :ashamed: ... dam... i jus finished posting an article on this !! :(
be4 the powers that be give me an earful: I humbly beg ur pardon, sir!! :P
Hey M8z...

Loads of u wantin to switch to linux from windows sounds all gud but have u all heard anything abt lindows ?

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