Linux Microsoft Contributes Linux Drivers

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Dark Star


Today, in a break from the ordinary, Microsoft released 20,000 lines of device driver code to the Linux community. The code, which includes three Linux device drivers, has been submitted to the Linux kernel community for inclusion in the Linux tree. The drivers will be available to the Linux community and customers alike, and will enhance the performance of the Linux operating system when virtualized on Windows Server 2008 Hyper-V or Windows Server 2008 R2 Hyper-V.

Check more info : Stories
^^^ ??? What?

Attach a smiley if that was sarcasm :).

Looks like you need to google around for what Hyper-V drivers are.

And No it will not make your stuff run better on your desktop.
SharekhaN said:
Will I be able to play crysis at full settings now?

Arre bhai!

Please read full, before asking. MS is releasing drivers for its own product called Hyper-V. It just for their own interests.
nucleuskore said:
Which is to preserve their MONOPOLY.

Perhaps there will soon be more competition now that Google is entering the playing field. I hope that Google OS will also help promote Linux in general and procure more interest in some of the better Distro's.
greenhorn said:
But I think you can buy satan's Air conditioner dirt cheap :P

Or start locking up pigs in cages... :ohyeah:

MS for sure keep their legal strategic options open to try to claim Linux/GPL invalid in court... not to mention their open threats and secret lawsuits (see recent TomTom case) to collect revenue...

It's like their left hand doesn't know what their right hand is up to. I hope the whole company wakes up and smells the coffee and starts to cooperate and interoperate (like their recent Mono promise) without the embrace, extend and extinguish mentality.

And eventually I wish they realise that the operating system is insignificant and make Windows desktop version free of cost (or at least significantly cheaper) and concentrate on servers, apps and services...
^^^^ Read Sam Ramji's statement on this. M$ is not keen to keep any legal eye on Hyper-V linux drivers.

VFAT is a different issue. It is more of retarded US patent system rather than M$.
PiXeLpUsHeR said:
Perhaps there will soon be more competition now that Google is entering the playing field. I hope that Google OS will also help promote Linux in general and procure more interest in some of the better Distro's.

In my opinion Google's Chromium OS eats up user base of other linux distro's rather than windows.
^^^ Well he may :).

Do not jump to conslusions so soon.

They did violate GPL in their code, and I have seen the code.

Do yourself a favour and see the actual code in staging.git.

It is krap code and I mean it.So obviously no one cared to even clean up, forget licensing issues. It was put up to create maketing hyper as usual in M$ style.

But what my point is Sam Ramji is no joker, his words means M$ words. Try to get the gist of it. I ain't a M$ lover but I do not follow crowd blindly and do not jump to conclusions in a haste.

@kallu_be , I don't think, google chrome will eat up other Linux distros. Chrome OS will be targeted for end users mostly, who today use Windows. For nerds and geeks, they know how to dual boot multiple distros. Anyway whom are we kidding, linux anyway has just close to 2% market share :).
@blufox: as i understand it, sam ramji cannot post a public opinion as an MS employee without clearing with the lawyers and PR first. so, like any large corporation (not just MS), they have to think about their PR image, marketing etc when they make statements, so always take them with large pinches of salt whenever these so called influential employees of large corps make blogs posts, videos etc.

but i too am very optimistic that they will cooperate and if they must compete (after all linux is clear a threat), then they compete fairly with good code/products and not underhanded (possibly illegal) tactics. like the mini-microsoft anonymous inside blogger posted, maybe MS has turned the corner really... Win7, Bing and their Hyper-V stuff look promising, and i do hope they come out with better versions of .NET, SQL Server, Visual Studio, Windows Server etc...

btw, i really enjoy watching videos from places like and reading MS blogs like those of mark russinovich...

edit: also, being a software developer, im a fan of the Visual Studio IDE (cant wait to get to use 2008/2010 versions) and a fan of Windows (client) since Win95 even though its widely criticised... rest of their products, dont like so much, aka crap: .NET, Office, SQL Server, Windows Server, "Hotmail", Bing etc... (some i dont care for, like Xbox etc)...
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