PC Peripherals Microsoft May Be An Unwitting 'Ally' In AMD Lawsuit Vs. Intel


May 14, 2005
Looks like Intel is in trouble

AMD MIGHT find its anti-trust action against Intel a lot easier, and force government regulators to get involved, thanks to the 2002 anti-trust action taken against Microsoft.

In an interview with the Investors’ Business Daily, a former Federal Trade Commission official, David Balto, a former FTC policy director, says the AMD case, coupled with the Justice Department antitrust settlement with Vole, could force US regulators to take another look at Intel.

He said that the Federal Trade Commission investigated Chipzilla in 1999, but the Microsoft case was still pending, the law wasn’t as clear then so it let Intel off the hook. Balto said that the Microsoft case had set up a precedent and clarified antitrust law.

There are no per se rules that justify certain types of contractual agreements. The days where people could say 'This isn't in the contract, so it can't be illegal' are gone.

Courts now have to look at the company’s conduct as a whole and the current price effects and long-term impact on innovation.

He added that the AMD case against Intel was much stronger than the anti-trust action against Microsoft.

“We're not talking about hypothetical innovation, but actual innovation. This is a really good case," said Balto.


Mar 16, 2005
They can't lose that bad.
In MS's case, it was said that they used one product to push up another, and kill competitor.
Here, Intel is accused of predatory contracts. So, all that will happen (shud Intel be found wguilty of any wrongdoing) is Intel will have to stop such activity, and will have to pay a fine, plus probably give AMD some moolah too. It will hit them, but probably only affect the profits of the year in which the judgement is handed down. After that, I think we will see cheaper PC products.