Mid brain activation program

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First thing first, till now I don't believe it at all

But there are some confusing evidence that it might just be true......... I don't know, I am not a believer type

One of my relatives came today he says his kid can do this.

After this program kids of the age of 5-15 can read books and tell colour of the things in hand blind folded.

It's unbelievable but today my kid aged 11 also said that one of his friend attended Sri Sri Ravi's program and this kid could tell the page number and summary of a page of the book even though 3 kids were keeping his eyes closed by hand................ My kid along with others was doubtful but the said kid did tell few things about the page.

I don't believe this but is there any possibility that it might be true?
Interesting. Wonder why you are keen on teaching your kid this. What other benefits would be achieved from mid-brain activation apart from showing off.

Just think about this for a second. If this were possible/true, wouldn't blind people be the first ones to be taught these techniques? Why is Sri Sri only teaching it to those who can see?

A quick google search threw this up - (See at about 15 mins in &/or 19 mins in)

Showing off?

If it's true technique then guess what still we don't understand about our reality and existence and the the true nature of ourselves?

It has many other benefits, most importantly the intuitive powers of the brain are activated and learning power increases tremendously

The video posted doesn't prove much
Okay. So has your relative's kid's (or the kid from school) learning abilities improved two-fold? If it has, then I guess it works.

In any event, I can't prove or disprove anything.

All I tried to do by posting was try & make you skeptical. Humans are very impressionable. Magicians/Illusionists do things which a large majority of us cannot explain. Yet we call them tricks because they themselves acknowledge that they are illusions. If Godmen do the same tricks, but attribute those "miracles" to some divine power, a lot of us believe that a supreme power is really causing the events.

The other thing that I tried to highlight by posting that video was that the bearded gentleman conducting the event says that the children are being taught to lie. Now, if that is true, then you aren't really instilling the right values in your child, are you? That's a major consideration. (Also, would your child have healthy skepticism for such things in the future, or would he be the one who follows the herd?)

Like I said, I can't prove anything either way. Just be skeptical & weigh the pros & cons.
I am the biggest skeptical ever

When my relative was telling me all this, and since the kid was not present in front of me, in my heart I was saying " these people have gone mad" :D

Even my thought was that children are being taught to lie.

But I started trying to figure with an open mind................. And I am 50% sure, there is probably no lies here............ I am still researching on this so let's see
When my relative was telling me all this, and since the kid was not present in front of me, in my heart I was saying " these people have gone mad"
Do they train adults? If not, then what reason do they give?

And I am 50% sure, there is probably no lies here............ I am still researching on this so let's see
Then you must go to US or Russia to gain more knowledge on this subject :p

During cold war, both the countries worked extensively on parapsychology, involving psychokinesis/telekinesis, remote-viewing, ESP, telepathy and other such shit. Don't remember what Russians named their project as but the US version was known as the Stargate Project. Lots of books, movies etc depict such stuff from that era... The Men Who Stared at Goats, The Dead Zone, Stranger Things, Columbo, Suspect Zero, The Lawnmower Man, The Mind's Eye, The X-Files...

It takes several decades for a style or fad to trickle down from West to India. People can't see with their eyes open and I am glad Indians are gaining the ability to see with their eyes closed! :p

Is this mid-brain-activation shit any different than opening the third eye? A lot of westerners are exploring ancient Indian texts in the hopes to stimulate or open their third eye.
To really understand what that program is, one must know what's in the middle of your brain! Study the Pineal gland and everything will be much clear. Read sacred geometry and one can start relating all the ancient texts carved or written in every culture known to mankind. There are several dimensions (144 known and several unknown) to this world and we (our universe) dwell in the 3rd Dimension. Politics, money, etc are all an illusion passed from one generation to the other. All apart, there is a possibility that the kids are truly learning to control the pineal gland and its abilities or may be calling it a bluff. The fact that we are clueless and yet curious, makes us a "normal" human in this dimension. :)
I do believe it's possible as a connoiseur of psychedelics, they can provide all the brain activation for the current generation, not recommending handing over LSD or magic mushrooms to children but if you are a responsible adult with a strong desire and curiosity to understand the nature of reality, there's nothing quite like em. They can offer a glimpse into the unknown, expand your mind and shift your perspective so radically that you start seeing the world and yourself in a completely different way.

They can also help in addressing mental disorders and depression. Too bad the Nixon administration saw the 60's counter culture movement as a threat to the capitalist control system which resulted in the formation of the DEA and decades of propaganda which has changed the perception of these substances including plants like marijuana. Sure there are some horrible and harmful substances out there but clubbing these with the rest is really unfair.
The NDPS itself was enacted in India after the Rajiv Gandhi govt. buckled under US pressure.
Those old spiritual masters like the Buddha had it pretty easy tbh, no internet, no technology, no distractions, they could pretty much wander off in any direction and live off the land, their minds weren't as cluttered as they are these days.
We don't really have the luxury to sit under a tree for 30 days, a 12 hr life changing psychedelic trip on the other hand is manageable.
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^^ weed is really a good thing. i had access to plenty of it but didn't know its usefulness back then. not want to use it as a psychedelic but as a healthy herb. can't grow weed at home, so i restrict myself to consuming hemp seed oil and poppy seeds. though they don't give you any high but the latter can give false positive in drug tests. :dead:
I do believe it's possible as a connoiseur of psychedelics
did you try to 'awaken' your third eye with marijuana? :D[DOUBLEPOST=1474709685][/DOUBLEPOST]
All apart, there is a possibility that the kids are truly learning to control the pineal gland and its abilities or may be calling it a bluff.
none of the kids could 'see' the things unless they were held at a specific position - right in front of their chest but under their noses.
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none of the kids could 'see' the things unless they were held at a specific position - right in front of their chest but under their noses.

Wrong, different kids have different abilities and no two kids are alike, you think that they are cheating by seeing from near nose........ But it doesn't seem to be the case, I have seen videos of kids having cotton on eyes and then the blindfold telling stuff, it's really thought provoking.......... I also thought just like you.

Last evening the nearest center to My home offered me to bring the kid for 2 days and pay after I get the results and I am convinced............ He also says your kid will be able to read words which you will be thinking in your mind aloud........ I think I am going to take my chance

Ignore the style of zee news presentation but look out for clues only and I think it's convincing already

I have found less debunking (true) videos and more of convincing videos
I also thought just like you.
No, please don't say that otherwise god will think that his master-plan failed.
Ignore the style of zee news presentation but look out for clues only and I think it's convincing already
Please, do you have any "unedited" proofs? And any other proof where the kids don't have to keep "adjusting their cotton/eye-pads" and keep the things in front of their chests and under their noses?

I've seen enough over the course of last 2 years, in my attempt to 'awaken' the third eye :p. I couldn't find any kid who didn't move their heads in order to "see" the things properly. In lot of videos, they'd bring in strangers and ask the kids to identify their genders and the clothes they are wearing. All the kids 'had' to move their heads up and down to "see" the person standing in front of them. Can you explain why they do that?

If those kids could see their undergarments or read the books without opening them, then that would be really something! :p

He also says your kid will be able to read words which you will be thinking in your mind aloud........ I think I am going to take my chance
If they could let you know the word without setting any context then that would be awesome. Otherwise, it's pretty easy to trick anyone.

There are many ways you could ease your mind into learning complex things, with a great recall ability. If these institutes are teaching students how to use any of the following well-known techniques for advancing in their lives, then there's still some legitimacy:
- listening to calming music
- playing with acupressure points, lymph nodes
- regular naps or breaks during study
- note taking skills etc (ability to process and store information)
- exercises that challenge brain's information processing abilities. e.g., visuospatial exercises, solving puzzles etc.

All of the videos I've seen so far, show how kids were trying to recognize the "institute-made-cards" by touch, smell, sound etc. Even I can teach my dog to recognize 10 cards just by touch and smell - with him blindfolded!

BTW, I can also solve a Rubik's cube blindfolded, sitting in the same position as that kid in Zee news video. Let me also admit that I can't do it if I the cube is at my back.

Watch all the videos from the same uploader that you posted first. They all are edited. Kids nonchalantly bring the stuff in front of them, even though they were asked to keep it at their backs. In one of the videos, you can see the girl playing with the cards during interview. Unknowingly, she is revealing how she recognize the cards by touching their edges. Those kids have been 'taught' to recognize institute made stuff. In another funny video, the institute owner was demonstrating how the kids could recognize currency coins, held at their backs. Everyone knows that even a blind can recognize Indian currency. I don't know how their parents failed to notice that.

Some kids claimed that they got good grades after the course. But if they did that without reading their text books in the first place, then that's called psychic ability. Otherwise, it's just training kids how to memorize stuff and help secure them good grades... all in the guise of activating mid-brains. Is there anyone who stuck electrodes to the heads of these kids and saw their "mid-brains" light up on a screen? I haven't looked for it but that's the only way to find out if those kids were actually employing so-called their mid-brains.

With all those mysterious shapes of temples, pyramids etc., skeptics believe that humans used them as antennas for telepathy and wireless electricity. Pineal gland helped them see-through things and connect with other people. Lots of Indian scriptures have mention of such incidents. I really want to believe in all that but found nothing credible so far... except an alien hand.

I have found less debunking (true) videos and more of convincing videos
BTW, the only debunking video I've seen is the one posted by kidrow. All other demonstration videos weren't so convincing to me as I found them to be edited and kids were using stuff that was specifically made to be easily recognizable. And not to mention the questionable blindfolds and holding stuff not in front of their eyes but below their noses.
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And no, it's not made up.
I totally believe you :D. DMT users narrate similar experience. Wanted to ask you for a long time... ever since I noticed your previous profile pic :p

Under the project MKUltra, USA used LSDs for building their psychic teams and also to intimidate enemies. Quite powerful stuff, if one could tame it.
Under the project MKUltra, USA used LSDs for building their psychic teams and also to intimidate enemies. Quite powerful stuff, if one could tame it.

Yep, it can easily turn into a horrible nightmare you have no control over, India should consider using it on the pakis :p

@Criminal Just want to commend you for the effort that you put in. Sad to say though that your efforts will probably only be a waste of time, because it just seems to me that the OP has already made up his mind despite claiming to be a skeptic.

@toocool6600 Just a request that you weigh in the pros & cons before committing. It's your child who is going to undergo this "training" & it is he who is going to face the outcomes, be they positive or negative. If this is indeed a sham, how you are as a parent & the temperament of the child is going to determine whether this has any impact on his psyche in the long run. So you are probably the best judge.

Maybe I'm reading too much into this. But I come back to whether the so-called benefits are worth the potential risk? (I won't elaborate on the risks, because this post is already long. To put it briefly, the risks imo are the ones associated with the possible pressures of the situation &/or pressures of "lying".)

Also the reason I put training in quotes is because imo if you have to get good at any skill, it requires hours of practice. Even if a phenomenon such as mid-brain activation exists, a 2 day workshop will barely help. Your child would need to put in a lot of effort & time to achieve this skill. So what are the benefits that have been proven to occur due to mid-brain activation? In other words, do you want your child to concentrate on learning skills that help him gain proficiency in activities that make him happy, or are necessary? Or do you want to risk him barking up the wrong tree?

Anyhoo, I think I've said enough. Your call. All the best.
All skeptics should watch this movie. Really shows the power of the human brain and it's regions: mid, left, right, rear three quarters and also the concentric center parallel to the ellipsoidal planar region. Shame on you for doubting !

p.s. it is a pretty fun movie. and scarlett's in it so it's a no brainer. Err ...
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