Mid range Gaming PC (50k), suggestions required.

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Hi all,
I am going to buy a gaming PC this month and I need suggestions on the configuration that I have 'so far' decided.

I am listing the hardware I have opted for(with approx prices), please tell me why certain component is a good or bad choice and what should i go for if the particular choice(s) is(are) bad . Budget is around 45k (+/-).

Put a 'or' between the component having more than one choice as I just want to build one PC . Suggestions other than the hardware in the list are definitely welcome. :cool2:

Processor :
1. Core 2 Duo 3.0 GHz E8400 - (6MB L2 cache 3.0Ghz 1333MHz) 8800/-
2. AMD Phenom II X3 720 BE 7700/-

Motherboard : (Will OC the processor, no Crossfire/SLI motherboard needed)
1. MSI P45 Neo - F (Intel® P45 Chipset 1333 FSB) 5975/-
2. GA-EP45-DS3L (Intel® P45 + ICH10 Chipset 1600 FSB) 6425/-
3. Biostar TA790GXB A2 (AMD) 5000/-
4. Biostar TA 790GX+128M (AMD)

Graphics Card : (I can invest more on this if its better VFM than the HD4850 special sonic)
1. HD4850 512MB GDDR5 Palit (Special sonic)/Gainward(GS GLH) 8700/- ( )
2. Palit GTX 260 894MB SP216 DDR3 PCI With HDMI 11300/-
3. Palit HD 4870 Dual Sonic 512MB DDR5 256Bit (Dual Slot Cooler) 12000/-

Display :
1. Dell LCD 19'' 1909W 7200/-

Memory :
1. Kingston DDR2 800Mhz (2 X 2 GB) 2400/-
2. Corsair DDR2 800MhZ CM2X2048-6400C5 (2 X 2GB) 2700/-

1. Western Digital Sata 2 1TB (32 MB Buffer) 4875/-
2. Seagate Sata 2 1TB (32 MB Buffer) 4725/-

Optical Drive :
1. LG 20x Sata 1200/-
2. Sony 20x Sata 1350/-

Power supply & Chassis:According to the config you suggest
* I would like to OC the machine so please suggest a motherboard accordingly :)
* Please list the approx price of the hardware component that you suggest, it will be helpful for me to estimate.
^^ Ahh, 19 inch lcd is big enough for me :). no plans for bigger one currently. Thx for the suggestion though.
Processor :

1. Core 2 Duo 3.0 GHz E8400 - (6MB L2 cache 3.0Ghz 1333MHz) 8800/-

2. Core 2 Quad 2.33GHz Q8200 - 8600/- [Suggestion]

Motherboard : (Will OC the processor, no Crossfire/SLI motherboard needed)

GA-EP45-DS3L (Intel® P45 + ICH10 Chipset 1600 FSB) 6425/-

Graphics Card :

Palit GTX 260 894MB SP216 DDR3 PCI With HDMI 11300/-

Display :

1. Dell LCD 19'' 1909W 7200/-

Memory :

Corsair DDR2 800MhZ CM2X2048-6400C5 (2 X 2GB) 2700/-


Seagate Sata 2 1TB (32 MB Buffer) 4725/-

Optical Drive :

Samsung 22x DVD RW - 1050

Power supply & Chassis:

CM 690 + GlacialPower 650W = 4.3k + 4.8k = 9.1k (Just a bit above ur budget)

u can replace CM 690 cabinet with the CM600 or CM590...

The total should be around 50k
i would suggest better ram and better mobo
mobo : gigabyte p45 ud3r or biostar tpower i45 - rs 8400
ram : corsair dominator 2x2gb 1066mhz from kmd - rs 4800
this is ideal for high overclocks
thx all for the input :) ,

WD or Seagate, does it make a difff with same specs ?

Can anyone suggest a suitable motherboard for Phenom II x3 720, I am inclined towards having this procesor :D.

GTX 260 seems to be a good choice. :)

Any other suggestion for PSU and cabinet ?
Phenom II X3 is the best processor to have right now.. Very nice overclocker and awesome performer for the price it comes for....

As far as board goes that depends on your budget.. Judging by the main post you don't need a CF based board but all high end Mb comes with muti GPU solution.. for motherboard under 6k I would suggest the Biostar board TA790GX 128M 5.x .. If you want something high end get this http://www.asus.com/product.aspx?P_ID=F8NXs2xIQloc5nrb&templete=2 .. this is a DDR2 model, there is a DDR3/AM3 model available as well..

There's an AMD 770/SB710 do check that out if you want single GPU solution..

GTX 260 is the best bet but if you want that asus board you might be a bit short on the budget as the board itself is highly priced ..
Thx for the input darkStar,

I can spend little more on motherboard if its worth, Phenom II x3 has 95-W TDP, It will definitely need a motheboard supporting higher TDP to OC. What will be other minimum necessary requirements to OC this processor.
^^TDP isn't the reason to be concerned with.. All the mobo supporting Phenom II will handle 95W TDP ..

Other minimum necessary requirements are nill :P Get a decent ram kit and you will be doing 1ghz OC on this processor..
Processor :
1. Core 2 Duo 3.0 GHz E8400 - (6MB L2 cache 3.0Ghz 1333MHz) 8800/-

Motherboard : (Will OC the processor, no Crossfire/SLI motherboard needed)
2. GA-EP45-DS3L (Intel® P45 + ICH10 Chipset 1600 FSB) 6425/- [Also see: Biostar TP45, TP35]
Graphics Card : (I can invest more on this if its better VFM than the HD4850 special sonic)
1. HD4850 512MB GDDR5 Gainward(GS GLH) 8700/- [Dont buy Palit]

Display :
1. Dell LCD 19'' 1909W 7200/-

Memory :
2. Corsair DDR2 800MhZ CM2X2048-6400C5 (2 X 2GB) 2700/-

2. Seagate Sata 2 1TB (32 MB Buffer) 4725/-

Optical Drive :
1. Samsung 22x DVDRW+-

Power supply & Chassis: Corsair VX450 (4k) along with CM690 (4.5k)
^^ Thx , but only Palit is available in Mumbai so I will have to go with palit. If HD4850 512MB GDDR5 Gainward(GS GLH) is available somewhere , please let me know
how is the amd 720be + gigabyte 780g mobo with and msi gtx260 overclocked? is there a better option with the same pricing?
i wud say go with a E8400 config.a E0 stepping wud do something like 4.25-4.35Ghz on 3rd party coolers.
hav tested a 720 BE paired with a Asus M3N78-EM.clk'ed it to 3.6GHz on the stock cooler but i luv'd the E8400 @ 4.25Ghz better.just my personal experience.
for the mobo if u want RAID support then get the GA-EP45-DS3R.
for the card dont buy a Palit.after using 2 Palits (a HD4850 & a HD4870 512MB Sonic) i dont prefer that brand anymore.try & get the Galaxy GTX 275 for 13.5k or something.u sud find it under hot derals i think.just search for it.just luv the perf of GTX 275 with the latest forceware 186.06.other than Crysis getting more than 60fps in all games with everything bloody setting cranked up to the max @ 1920x1080 res.
^^ Ahh damn, the budget keeps increasing :D. Thx for the input though.

@hellgate, can you pls provide the link which mentions Galaxy GTX 275 for 13.5k :)
vb86 said:
how is the amd 720be + gigabyte 780g mobo with and msi gtx260 overclocked? is there a better option with the same pricing?

Dark Star said:
^^Very nice.. knoughtd has the same combo . he has ds3 I believe and was able to 1ghz i.e. 3.8ghz on stock cooler

Which gigabyte 780g mobo he has ?

one of these ?
Gigabyte GA-MA78GM-S2HP AMD 780G + SB700 Chipset
Gigabyte GA-MA78GPM-DS2H AMD 780G + SB700 Chipset
Gigabyte GA-MA78G-DS3H AMD 780G + SB700 Chipset

Joel Toms said:
http://www.techenclave.com/dealers-paradise/galaxy-gtx275-overclocked-13500-a-137911.html This is the link....

BTW .. i would have suggested a crossfire of 4770. coz anyway you are going for high end mobo..

But you dont want that and moreover 4770 is unavailable for a long time..

Thx for the link :) , I am not interested in CF just need a mobo which wiill allow little bit of OC, some mobo any of members is already using and happy with
tarey_g said:
Which gigabyte 780g mobo he has ?

one of these ?
Gigabyte GA-MA78GM-S2HP AMD 780G + SB700 Chipset
Gigabyte GA-MA78GPM-DS2H AMD 780G + SB700 Chipset
Gigabyte GA-MA78G-DS3H AMD 780G + SB700 Chipset

The third one I guess ...
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