PC Peripherals Mid Tower cabinet suggestions ?

its available with top notch infotech , 777 is pricey :p around 13.5k , A380 and blackhawk are around 7-8k . 1000 will be around 16k and dunno about 2000 as these are 250 $ + on newegg .
if you want air flow and prevent dust then you might give a thought for Cooler Master Storm Sniper but expensive but worth for its quality - i use it personally.
shawn_pro said:
if you want air flow and prevent dust then you might give a thought for Cooler Master Storm Sniper but expensive but worth for its quality - i use it personally.

my frnd has sniper.......and the filters get dusty so often tht he has removed side panel.

BTW can we remove those filter, my frnd had no idea how to remove it???