90K+ MIning PC 100K

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Shubham Patil

  1. What is your budget?
    • 100K. Can extend it a bit.
  2. Which hardware component are you looking to buy
    • Anything that will produce the most yeild. But looking for higher Density.
  3. Is this going to be your final configuration or you would be adding/upgrading a component in near future. If yes then please mention when and which component
    • Yes, will upgrade as the cash comes.
    • New graphic cards
  4. Where will you buy this hardware? (Online/City/TE Dealer)
    • Lamington Road, Mumbai.
  5. Would you consider buying a second hand hardware from the TE market
    • Yes
  6. What is your intended use for this PC/hardware
    • 24x7 mining rig
  7. Do you have any brand preference or dislike? Please name them and the reason for your preference/dislike.
    • I prefer any brand with reputation.
  8. What is your preferred monitor resolution for gaming and normal usage
    1. Using old one
  9. Are you looking to overclock?
    • Yes, Only gpu
  10. Which operating system do you intend to use with this configuration?
    • Windows 10 with Awesome miner.
  11. I am open to buy ASIC miner if they are available to purchase if they provide better yeild.
Budget -91K

AMD Ryzen R7 1500X -14000,
Asus Prime B350 Plus -8000,
AData XPG Spectrix D40 LPX 16GB(8GBx2) 3000Mhz -14000,
Corsair CX650M -6000,
Antec P8 Tempered Glass Panel -4500,
Sapphire RX580 8GB Nitro+ -24500,
WD Caviar Blue 1TB -3500,
Crucial MX300 275GB SSD -7000,
LG 22MP68VQ-P 22" LED IPS -9000,
Logitech MK200 -1000.
TOTAL -91,000.
I don't think that you need a powerful CPU and RAM for mining. It will be better to buy a low end CPU like a G4560 and get a Biostar motherboard that supports more than one graphics card and is especially made for mining? May I ask how many graphics cards are you looking at? Biostar has motherboards that support even 12 graphics cards, maybe more. RX 580 seems to be the best for value perspective as its hashrate is close to 24 MH/s last I checked. I am not an expert on mining, but I know that faster graphics cards with fast VRAM yield the best results for currencies that utilize the graphics cards for mining.

RX 580 has vanished from the market and so has RX 570 due to their performance in mining. Close second are GTX 1060. Of course the 1070 also mines good but is expensive at a starting point of 36k. Please read the below article for the motherboard. In 1 lakh, I assume you can afford 2 1070s with weak rest of the system, like g4560, 4GB RAM, good PSU, etc. But, I assume you already know the yield rate for each graphics card for your currency, correct?

I don't think that you need a powerful CPU and RAM for mining. It will be better to buy a low end CPU like a G4560 and get a Biostar motherboard that supports more than one graphics card and is especially made for mining? May I ask how many graphics cards are you looking at? Biostar has motherboards that support even 12 graphics cards, maybe more. RX 580 seems to be the best for value perspective as its hashrate is close to 24 MH/s last I checked. I am not an expert on mining, but I know that faster graphics cards with fast VRAM yield the best results for currencies that utilize the graphics cards for mining.

RX 580 has vanished from the market and so has RX 570 due to their performance in mining. Close second are GTX 1060. Of course the 1070 also mines good but is expensive at a starting point of 36k. Please read the below article for the motherboard. In 1 lakh, I assume you can afford 2 1070s with weak rest of the system, like g4560, 4GB RAM, good PSU, etc. But, I assume you already know the yield rate for each graphics card for your currency, correct?

I was having the same idea. A Mobo ATX motherboard 4gb ram, Pentium processor. I already have a PC with GTX 970 and i7 but that will not be a main mining PC. Mining softwares don't need lots of ram. Thinking of getting a 2 GTX 1070s
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I don't think that you need a powerful CPU and RAM for mining. It will be better to buy a low end CPU like a G4560 and get a Biostar motherboard that supports more than one graphics card and is especially made for mining? May I ask how many graphics cards are you looking at? Biostar has motherboards that support even 12 graphics cards, maybe more. RX 580 seems to be the best for value perspective as its hashrate is close to 24 MH/s last I checked. I am not an expert on mining, but I know that faster graphics cards with fast VRAM yield the best results for currencies that utilize the graphics cards for mining.

RX 580 has vanished from the market and so has RX 570 due to their performance in mining. Close second are GTX 1060. Of course the 1070 also mines good but is expensive at a starting point of 36k. Please read the below article for the motherboard. In 1 lakh, I assume you can afford 2 1070s with weak rest of the system, like g4560, 4GB RAM, good PSU, etc. But, I assume you already know the yield rate for each graphics card for your currency, correct?


+1 to this.

I would also like to add that you can save money on monitor by using something small/2nd hand/lying unused.
Also, invest in cooling for the GPUs as multiple GPUs running at their peak for 24/7 will require some good cooling.
Just wanted to ask that have you done the calculations. Even with free electricity I don't think mining is that profitable any more.
Which currencies are you thinking of mining.

exactly. Chinese and Russian people have built server farms and they find it difficult to get back their money in months. Mining at home is like throwing money down the toilet. Unless the OP knows some new shortcut method of mining coins fast and cheap, I don't see how this is profitable.
exactly. Chinese and Russian people have built server farms and they find it difficult to get back their money in months. Mining at home is like throwing money down the toilet. Unless the OP knows some new shortcut method of mining coins fast and cheap, I don't see how this is profitable.
I am earning 0.3mBTC/day(8k per month) on gtx 970 and 0.4mBTC/day with processor on Nicehash. You are just narrow minded. with 3 gtx 1060's mining rig you will probably have 4 months ROI. with 24K each month in your pocket.
what is the cost of electric bill? have you removed cost of electricity from the roi?

can you give detailed breakup? if its so good, then i'll put my old pc to work on eth or monero etc.
what is the cost of electric bill? have you removed cost of electricity from the roi?

can you give detailed breakup? if its so good, then i'll put my old pc to work on eth or monero etc.
Which gpu are you trying to use?
Even 3x gtx 1060 3gb rig will consume max Rs50 power a day @Rs 5 per watt. I have Rs3-4/watt only in my village side area. Rs 700/day earnings you can see if its profitable or not. For nvidia cards Nist5 algo is really profitable on nicehash.
Its only profitable if you invest more. I will be changing from mining cryptocurrency to something like this https://dadi.cloud/en in the future.
Even 3x gtx 1060 3gb rig will consume max Rs50 power a day @Rs 5 per watt.

Are you sure 3 x 1060 3GB consumes just 10 Watts per day? DId you calculate entire pc power too?
This page says a pc with a single 1060 FE consumes around 200 W
Lets say the card only takes 100 W, so 3 of these cards = 300W + 100W of pc = 400W total. Thats 400W total load per second per hour x 24 hrs. In one hour your pc has already taken 0.8 - 1KWhr.
Your bill is Rs 5 per unit of 1 KWhr I suppose. So in 24 hrs you will get ~ 24 KWHr = 24 x 5 = Rs 120 per day. 120 x 30 days = 3600 if the price per unit does not change like my power company does.
Your rig consumes approx 720 units a month.

I only have option of MSEDC (biggest power supply cheater company in Maharashtra & India).

My electric bill is 6.73 for 101 -300 units, 9.70 for 301-500 units, 11.20 for 501-1000, and Rs 12.48 for 1001+ units. And for us 1 unit = 500W and not 1KW like other areas in India.

So if i have you exact rig and my units double (720x2 = 1440 units) I will have to shell out 1440 x 12.48 = Rs 17971 per month. This is not including tax etc. Not affordable for me.
Are you sure 3 x 1060 3GB consumes just 10 Watts per day? DId you calculate entire pc power too?
This page says a pc with a single 1060 FE consumes around 200 W
Lets say the card only takes 100 W, so 3 of these cards = 300W + 100W of pc = 400W total. Thats 400W total load per second per hour x 24 hrs. In one hour your pc has already taken 0.8 - 1KWhr.
Your bill is Rs 5 per unit of 1 KWhr I suppose. So in 24 hrs you will get ~ 24 KWHr = 24 x 5 = Rs 120 per day. 120 x 30 days = 3600 if the price per unit does not change like my power company does.
Your rig consumes approx 720 units a month.

I only have option of MSEDC (biggest power supply cheater company in Maharashtra & India).

My electric bill is 6.73 for 101 -300 units, 9.70 for 301-500 units, 11.20 for 501-1000, and Rs 12.48 for 1001+ units. And for us 1 unit = 500W and not 1KW like other areas in India.

So if i have you exact rig and my units double (720x2 = 1440 units) I will have to shell out 1440 x 12.48 = Rs 17971 per month. This is not including tax etc. Not affordable for me.

Your calculations are tollay wrong.
Try this first. The prices in your area are just too much. Mine it starts from Rs 2.85- 4.5/watt
1 gtx 1060 consumes about 90 watt per hour while mining and 120max during gaming.
unfortunately i cannot change what my power supply company wants to charge. That profit calculator is for 1 card or 3 cards?
Your calculations are tollay wrong.
Try this first. The prices in your area are just too much. Mine it starts from Rs 2.85- 4.5/watt
unfortunately i cannot change what my power supply company wants to charge. That profit calculator is for 1 card or 3 cards?
1 card but you can multiply by 3 to see the results.
Even with rs.12 per unit you will earn 6k a month on one card so 18k on 3.
Nicehash is a marketplace. As long as people are overpaying for renting your hashes, the sellers are profitable.
I like to use a more reliable calculator which shows realistic calculations with an option to input more options - http://www.mycryptobuddy.com/BitcoinMiningCalculator

It also allows one to see what all parameters are important to calculate profit and do proper research into it.

I actually think that this model of selling hashing power that Nicehash uses is great but only if it wasn't attached to Bitcoin which is a very volatile currency especially today and what seems profitable today due to such high exchange rates will be a loss making exercise once rates stabilize or deflate completely. Hell, I can make electricity for free at my farm, but I still won't use it to mine bitcoin as I can make much better profits utilizing that energy elsewhere.

If one were to mine only Bitcoins or coins based on SHA256 then miners seem to be a much better bet to me at least as they havr much higher hashing rates for similar input investment in hardware.
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