Mirrors Edge 2 - Discussion Thread

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I have not played its 1st part, So is it worth downloading and playing it now???
Second part is under development and the first part is a good game. wonder why people didn't like it its a good new IP. You can just play the whole game without a gun shot.
Vibu said:
I have not played its 1st part, So is it worth downloading and playing it now???

If you have a controller then absolutely... Even with keyboard + mouse its quite playable but controller makes it more fun....
[h=1]Mirror's Edge 2' in "production phases" says Swedish industry insider[/h]
Faith is about to come out of retirement.

Today, a tweet from the general manager of ngmoco Sweden set the game industry abuzz with talks of a sequel to "Mirror's Edge". Ben Cousins, the aforementioned general manager, tweeted, "It is general knowledge in the Stockholm (Sweden) dev scene that 'Mirror's Edge 2' is in production at DICE."

The article Mr. Cousins links to in his tweet states that the "Battlefield" developer does not "want to become a 'Battlefield' factory" (which seems like a shot at a certain publisher that pushes out multiple military-based first person shooters in various historical periods).

Although DICE became famous for making the "Battlefield" series, "Mirror's Edge" has garnered cult status. The game centers around Faith, a parkour expert cum courier who must deliver secret packages to resistance fighters against an Orwellian state. The focus of the game was not on combat but how quickly and efficiently Faith could traverse the obstacles in her way. In fact, the game rewarded those who explicitly avoided combat by disarming enemies and moving on.

News about "Mirror's Edge 2" being in development surfaced as early as 2009 but talk about the game died down. That is until today when Mr. Cousins tweeted that the game is still very much in production.

Of course, Mr. Cousins' comment is not out of the ordinary as games have tumultuous cycles (witness one "Metal Gear Rising Revengeance") but reading that "Mirror's Edge 2" is still be worked on is good news. "Mirror's Edge" is one of the most original and innovative games this generation and it would be sad to see that it did not get a sequel. Keep coming back as more information is released about the game.

'Mirror's Edge 2' in "production phases" says Swedish industry insider - Phoenix Video Games | Examiner.com
Yes, the first part is definitely worth playing, even with a keyboard and mouse.

Looking forward to the second part. Thanks for the share :D
More rumors! :P


Amazon listing - http://www.amazon.de/Electronic-Arts-Mirrors-Edge-2/dp/B00CYH2PKA/

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EA beeches removed the link. :P

Here's a screengrab posted by VG247:


I get a feeling this might be a timed exclusive just like the first one which was out on consoles first. Anyways, I hope this E3 has some news in store for us.
They will probably announce it in E3. That it is in development seems to be common knowledge in Reddit. Expect all the usual EA bullshit though, Origin only, Day One DLCs, season passes, map packs etc.

Next-gen tech will take Mirror’s Edge reboot to the next level, says Gibeau

Mirror’s Edge is getting a reboot over at DICE, and EA Labels president Frank Gibeau has shed light on why the time is right to bring Faith and her rooftop-running pals back into the spotlight.

Speaking with IGN, Gibeau said, “I think the time is right now because we’ve got a creative idea. We have a great story planned. With all the gen 4 technology, we can re-create that magic of running across rooftops and experiencing a city from a different point of view through the character of Faith.

“Performance, animation, all those technologies that are now in gen 4, that extra computing power is going to be able to take Mirror’s Edge to the next level. We’ve always been thinking about it, but a bunch of things came together – the right story, the right leadership team, and the right capabilities from this new hardware – that got us to commit and go for it.”

Meanwhile, EA’s Patrick Soderlund has revealed that the original Mirror’s Edge sold 2.5 million copies, and that a sequel wasn’t possible on current-gen tech.
Despite the game’s sales figures, Gibeau is confident that DICE’s reboot can help grow the Mirror’s Edge fan base.

He continued, “Our goal in any product is to try and grow the audience. We’re definitely taking into account the opportunity to reach a bigger group of people. We think we’ve got the right story and accessibility that can do that. It’s a title that did multiple millions of units, so it has a fairly widespread audience. It’s not an art film. But we do see an opportunity to grow it.”

Source: http://www.vg247.com/2013/06/28/nex...rs-edge-reboot-to-the-next-level-says-gibeau/
A reboot? Why?
Hope the below statements helps. Don't take anything literally.
a sequel wasn’t possible on current-gen tech
Oh yes so true! Even gears of war sequels couldn't make it to the pc due to its high piracy rate.
Performance, animation, all those technologies that are now in gen 4, that extra computing power is going to be able to take Mirror’s Edge to the next level. We’ve always been thinking about it, but a bunch of things came together – the right story, the right leadership team, and the right capabilities from this new hardware – that got us to commit and go for it.
He means that Exxxtraaa computing power is going to make human mind work faster too which will take it to the next level. Human brain is proportional to the computing power of next gen hardware. I love this theory!
He continued, “Our goal in any product is to try and grow the fools. We’re definitely taking into account the opportunity to reach a bigger group of Idiots.
Corrected and translated.Everything is strictly business. Because we also need a way of income its just the amount should be huge.
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