Misuse of Technology for Academic fraud: Indian student with Fake Marksheets and Fake Death Certificate deported from the US


Gold is old
Aryan Anand, who identified himself as a liar on his anonymous Reddit post (The screenshots of which are attached herein), has been successfully tracked and deported back to India. If posing as the school principal, faking school mails and faking certificates were not enough, this guy went ahead and produced a fake death certificate of this own father. Yes, a fake death certificate for free meals and free tickets to US on top of everything else that the university's scholarship granted him. This confession post titled "I have built my life and career on lies" was posted on r/offmychest, r/BTechard and probably elsewhere too. Let's not lie, this was more of flex than a confession. A mod titled u/b1ack_sword details and some other mods reported this issue to university this guy was following aka. Lehigh University. Here is a post where you can see how the university was contacted my the mods and how the Leigh University PD had a live Zoom meeting to discuss and track the suspect.
Going though that post, the part where he writes "They (the Lehigh University) took his father's death seriously and waived off basically everything" makes you wonder what lows one has to stoop to in order to take advantage of others' sensitivity and sympathy. He was all set to burn the university's funds and successfully attain his degree from them had he not posted this extremely lengthy and detailed account of his organized fraud.

I was under the impression that the exam situation was better outside India. But this guy writes that they allow anything inside and even phones as long as they don't see it on the desk. He used to go outside the exam hall, copy his answers from the internet and then come back with the 'crowd' to submit his copied answers. What the hell was that? How is going out allowed? How is anything aside pen and watch allowed?

This incident has received worldwide media coverage as it should:
1. https://www.lehighvalleylive.com/ne...-father-died-then-got-a-full-scholarship.html
2. https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com...nded-in-deportation/articleshow/111343467.cms
3. https://www.nbcphiladelphia.com/news/local/student-faked-fathers-death-lehigh-university/3894454/
4. https://www.moneycontrol.com/news/t...h-for-us-university-scholarship-12758162.html
5. https://www.livemint.com/news/world...-caught-social-media-post-11719476041690.html


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He was all set to burn the university's funds and successfully attain his degree from them had he not posted this extremely lengthy and detailed account of his organized fraud.
Seems strange he would burn himself but then this is how frauds and other assorted characters get caught.

It was a 'flex' or narcissist urge to show off

Moral of the story is always cross your bridges before burning them
Bro pulled off a glorious scam, and got away with it too. He could have had good things (i'm not saying what he did was right, in any way at all), but he chose to ruin his life and embarass his family by posting like a dumbass on Reddit. Now he'll go home to face all those relatives and friends who came to him for "advice" on sending kids to the US. He's in for a treat.
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I saw this on reddit; people called him a dumbass for posting the details. I think his reply was something along the lines of "I'm using Tor, I'm not traceable"
( •_•)>⌐■-■