Mobile not opening

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Hi friends,

Currently i am using Nokia 3250. Yesterday night i had closed the phone and today when i tried to open it, it is not opening.

It is showing the NOKIA sign and after that it goes off. But if i leave it for sometime, it is showiing me that i have 2 SMS and the current time, but when i click to open it, it again goes blank. I even tried to charge the phone but it is showing no signs of charging. I even removed the battery and sim but it also did'nt helped.

Pls tell what could be the problem and how to solve it.:huh:
Can i also update my software through online downloading it from nokia site or by updating the existing software from their site using data cable.
can u please correct the title.. i thought u had a hard time opening ur phone.. :P

neway.. think it might be an OS issue.. update it to latest firmware as someone suggested.. else visit the NOKIA CARE CENTRE..
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