Mobile Operator Kolkata

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I am from Kolkata and I'm looking for a new mobile operator I'll be using Prepaid. My main usage would be local calls. I make calls lasting for more than 3-5 mins so per second billing is not a good option for me. My primary local calling is airtel(specific numbers). I would like some help with choosing the best airtel sim to buy ( as in some offer), the kind of topup i should get. I would be spending about 650pm i.e, 555 for talktime and the rest for topup(especially special 5).

Also is Idea better as it is offering all locals calls at 40p.

Thanking You,

PS no postpaid I have no control over myself and I am a Vodafone customer now I cannot control my bills.
Isn;t docomo 1p/s and since I've said my phone calls last for longer periods of time wouldn;t i be actually going on a loss ?
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