Mobile shopping @ Dubai Duty Free

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My father is going to the states in a couple of days and i wanted an Iphone 3GS,but buying it in the U.S is going to be a problem as we do not have any friends or family in the place he is going.So i thought that since he is passing the Dubai he could get me one from the Duty Free.
Is it possible to buy an Iphone from the Duty free and how much will it cost,also if not Iphone some other phone with Wifi and touch screen along with the rest.
Thank You.
Hey Rohan, Well for what I know about the iphone in dubai, is that it has been launched with a mobile service provider called "Du" so i am not really sure if you will get a iphone in the duty free. Even if you do get one u shall have to get the mobile connection along with it. My suggestion to you is if you are buying the phone irrespective of the connection, make sure to tell ur dad to put in his Indian sim card and check if the phone is locked or not. If locked then you might have to unlock it here.
But when my father buys it,will he not have to give some documents....Like how we give here? he is going to be staying at a hotel.
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