Mobiles upto 5k and 7k

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I was abt to post the same link..... :D

I would suggest the 3120. I have seen it in real life and it is really good looking.....
Preffer the k300i or Ngage.
If you can find Ngage withing your range - You would be called stupid to ignore it, shapes odd - but its got everything besides a cam.
if not Ngage then K300i. Good camera-video recording-nice mini looks.
Lg phones are cheaply priced...but they r not tht good...their screen is pathetic u cant even comapre it to a nokia screen...and although the cam is preety decent...the UI sux..
well...if not for gaming, the n-gage will be a waste i guess ;)
considering k300i as it looks cool with good set of features.

can smone confirm the indian prce for the same..
i looked up at two places and it varied greatly. one showing 6k
and the other showing 8k :S
QuickFire said:
well...if not for gaming, the n-gage will be a waste i guess ;)

Even if you don't do much of gaming, n-gage has advantage of symbian, which enables it to have any function you want the phone to have, Even you can write your own custom applications easily.
thanx again ppl....
the 5k budget has been lowered to 4k and finally we got the Nokia 2600 for 4k coz the only requirements were color screen and decent handset. Considered the Nokia 3100 as well but that was way beyond budget.

now need to buy a good handset for 7k. If needed, the budget can be extended to 8k (only if absolutely necessary coz a penny saved is a penny earned and 1k is lotsa pennies :bleh: ) IceFusion suggested SE k300i or SE k508i. Other options available are Nokia N-Gage QD and Nokia 6610i. Keep posting ur suggestions. :)
Ngage QD does have the advantage of Symbian....but remeber u will need to spend an extra 1k to get a memory card 2 install the softwares into..:P
6610i sux in front of K508i and K300i... :)
SO go for the SE ones...
Ngage QD....believe me you'd end up buying game paks anyway :ohyeah:
And even if you don't, you get lots of Apps + MMC to store videos and msuic on.
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