Modern Warfare 2 and Empire: Total War

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I've been to a number of shops and called a number of shops and the two games; Modern Warfare 2 and Empire: Total War for the PC aren't available. Out of stock or just not there.

Anyone know anywhere I can buy any of these games? Anywhere in NCR will do!

It isn't available anywhere at all? I thought I saw it some time back though...

It seems to expensive on Steam...
did u check in Intencity and Nextworld? Either of those might have it. Otherwise, buying downloadable copy seems to be your only option.
Look for prashaants thread (intencity) for latest game and game releases , pm him and ask him im sure he can arrange something.
modern warfare 2 never released officially in india. you will either have to import it or buy it through digital distribution.

empire total war is probably out of stock. you should consider getting napoleon total war instead... by most accounts it is a better game than empire. if you are only interested in empire, i suggest you look at shops like crossword or landmark in your city. these shops usually have old stock and they might still have a copy.

Also, can I buy Modern Warfare 2 from either the Doha airport or somewhere in Greece? How much will it cost?
@ OP, Been in your boat, tried searching for a copy of MOH MW2 in mumbai but no go. It just isnt available. You can get it off steam it'll cost you some 3K.
Crazysah said:

I've been to a number of shops and called a number of shops and the two games; Modern Warfare 2 and Empire: Total War for the PC aren't available. Out of stock or just not there.

Anyone know anywhere I can buy any of these games? Anywhere in NCR will do!


Strange !!! MW2 PC version not available in India. I wanted to buy one.

I saw lot of pirated copies of PC version of MW2 and Empire:Total War outside Thane station.

Alas! now they will cry piracy.
Well if I get my parents to buy it at the Doha airport or somewhere in Greece, how much will it cost? I'm talking about Modern Warfare 2 only.
^ probably the equivalent of 60$. plus there is a chance that the cd key will be region locked and not work here. if you are really desperate for modern warfare 2, just save up and buy it from steam. it's highly unlikely but it might even go on sale during the next 10 or so days while steam is having it's mega sale. pick it up then and stop worrying about importing the game or asking your folks to pick it up in transit and all.
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