More than 23 million ps3's now sold !

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More than 23 million PS3's now sold !

Sony has revealed the latest figures for PlayStation 3 hardware and software sales. The company's latest financial report (as spotted by Kotaku) shows 23.8 million PS3 consoles have now been shifted around the world.

The number of games sold for the PS3 is 189.7 million. That figure includes all third-party and PlayStation Network titles.
So how does that compare with Sony's rivals? Well, Microsoft announced Xbox 360 had reached the 30 million sold mark back in May. The 360 had a year's head-start in terms of launch date, of course.
In March Satoru Iwata said 50 million Wiis had been shipped globally. That's shipped, not sold, but you know.
Source : More than 23 million PS3s now sold News // PS3 /// Eurogamer - Games Reviews, News and More
^the PS3 slim should be announced on August 18th....(According to a leak by Amazon Germany)...the price drop should follow after that...

P.S: @switch...did u buy a PS3?
the only way i see sony winning the console war is if blu-ray's were cheaper and if the console gets hacked to run pirated games. I'm against the concept of piracy too guys but the fact that the games are too expensive is the sole cause.
Well Wii is technically not a current gen console (at least hardware wise) and so its cheaper as well. So its more appropriate to compare its sales with PS2 and XBOX than with 360 and PS3.

Wii's main innovation is in the motion controller and both 360 and PS3 are going to get them as well and more while conversely Wii is not going to get the HD graphics and sound like PS3 or 360.

Between 360 and PS3 too, if MS does not do something about getting quality exclusives for its platform, Sony is going to get ahead in this generation as well. Project Natal is a great concept, but I don't think MS can depend on that alone for keeping up the sales of 360. Frankly by the time MS gets Natal mature enough, I think they will be ready to release a next gen console to go along with it.
where find wii cheaper than xbox 360??

wii is 21k here (i thik tthe correct price for wii is 8k ) and games for wii cost 3k

and wii hd is gong to come thats the reason why ms and sony are spending on motion control
PS3 can win the console war only if

1) reduces prices to half:P

2) Blue rays are atleast abt 3 times the cost of dvds. 30-40rs is a good price

3) Games should be discounted, or a few basic budget titles that probably appeal a greater audience.
legit gaming with console at price 10k+ and gametaged at .5k+ is far way for mass adoption in India

Right now PS2 is the only option for India consumers get into video gaming (legit)

Ps3 will survive and come with slim in future and price will also be reduced
Party Monger said:
PS3 can win the console war only if

1) reduces prices to half:P

2) Blue rays are atleast abt 3 times the cost of dvds. 30-40rs is a good price

3) Games should be discounted, or a few basic budget titles that probably appeal a greater audience.

1.)Costs have come down by expect a price drop sometime soon...(PS3 slim should be announced on August 18th...Info leaked by Amazon Germany)

2.) are you serious?

3.) The platinum series is priced at 1499/- and should be slightly more affordable....
Fahrenheit said:
1.)Costs have come down by expect a price drop sometime soon...(PS3 slim should be announced on August 18th...Info leaked by Amazon Germany)
2.) are you serious?
3.) The platinum series is priced at 1499/- and should be slightly more affordable....

Yes im serious, thats the only time anyone wil seriously use blueray media in everyday usage..

1499 is no where near affordable..
somehting like 100rs is what i call affordable:P
^well you dont expect to get a ferrari at 5 lakhs do you? Then why crib about a PS3? Even if u buy a PS3/X360, it's no fun playing it on a regular SDTV..ull need to invest in a HDTV which again would cost u anywhere above 35k...My only advice to people buying a PS3, buy it only if you can afford to buy the games...
^^ nope dude, ppl can easily enjoy gaming in latest acer/dell 22-23" moniter(20000:1 dynamic contrast,etc )ratio with HDMI which are only cost $180 or Rs 10000 .

Also , even if blue-ray gets cheap still games are not cracked.
Fahrenheit said:
^well you dont expect to get a ferrari at 5 lakhs do you? Then why crib about a PS3? Even if u buy a PS3/X360, it's no fun playing it on a regular SDTV..ull need to invest in a HDTV which again would cost u anywhere above 35k...My only advice to people buying a PS3, buy it only if you can afford to buy the games...
Thats what im saying
30k for tv, 25 k for ps3, and u still hav to pay a bomb for games..:@
Party Monger said:
PS3 can win the console war only if

1) reduces prices to half:P

2) Blue rays are atleast abt 3 times the cost of dvds. 30-40rs is a good price

3) Games should be discounted, or a few basic budget titles that probably appeal a greater audience.

None of those points except the first have anything to do with the success of PS3.

1. Prices will decrease over time.

2. The media cost is nothing when compared to the cost of the content. For example a blank DVD costs less than 20 bucks and if you are mass producing it costs less than 10 Rs. So then why do the 360 games still cost 1800~3200 bucks while even the same title for PC on the same media costs less costs half to a tenth of the price. Its true that lowering the cost of the titles will improve sales, but the cost of the media itself has nothing to do with it unless its adding a substantial amount to the total.

3. PS3 games are gradually decreasing in cost, but then its still a classic case of Vicious circle. People won't buy if prices are too high and publishers can't cut prices without sales. But at at least the situation is better for PS3 compared to 360. People would prefer buying a copy of GTA4 for 400 bucks or Mass Effect for 800 bucks than spending 1800~2500 on each when they have the choice. But if people want to play Killzone 2, God of War 3 they would have to shell out 2400 bucks or not play that game at all. Without quality exclusives, a console maker will be no position to monopolize the market.
^^ . I agree with u . There are certain console specific titles and a fan following for them .

I have bought PS3 only to play God of war III even though there are other titles like KZ-II,MGS,LBP . And when i bought XBOX 360,it was just to play the First Gears of war .

And yes the prices of games when these consoles were launched compared to today have come down . I am very much positive that Sony will beat MS in console war .
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