CPU/Mobo Most power supplies won't support Haswell's C6/C7 low-power states

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It has been discovered that a number of power supplies currently on the market don’t support Haswell’s C6/C7 low-power states due to the fact they are unable to deliver less than 0.05 amps across the 12V2 rail according to a report from VR-Zone. Haswell’s C6/C7 states requires a minimum load of 0.05 amps on the 12V2 line. Power supplies that are older or budget models simply aren’t capable of delivering such a small amount of juice. As a result, users with incompatible power supplies may experience stability problems or worse, the system may shut down completely if the PSU’s under- or over-voltage protection kicks in.

If you have good quality PSU already, there are very high chances that it's Haswell compatible.
This doesn't means that people with other PSU's are totally out of luck. They can always disable C6/C7 power states from BIOS/UEFI.
Also, unstable doesn't means PSU will make system crash out of the box. System will likely crash only when it tries to go in C6/C7 power states.

Manufacturers are releasing PSU compatibility list for Haswell processors:
Corsair: http://www.corsair.com/us/blog/haswell-compatibility-with-corsair-power-supplies/
Seasonic: http://www.xbitlabs.com/news/cases/...SUs_Compatible_with_Intel_Core_i_Haswell.html
Enermax: http://www.enermax.com/home.php?fn=eng/press_b_1&no=46
Silverstone: http://www.xbitlabs.com/news/cases/..._i_Haswell_Compatible_Power_Supply_Units.html
Mine tx 650 is on list...
I don't think people will with current ivy bridge are going to opt for haswell processor...
So after processor socket compatibilty problem now its the turn of psu? What's next? Thermal paste compatibility? This is ridiculous. Poor wanna-be-Haswells fans. They now have to spend more for upgrade their current psu's aren't compatible. Personally i think the Sandybridge is still a very good option.
So after processor socket compatibilty problem now its the turn of psu? What's next? Thermal paste compatibility? This is ridiculous. Poor wanna-be-Haswells fans. They now have to spend more for upgrade their current psu's aren't compatible. Personally i think the Sandybridge is still a very good option.
yep..people who are in sandy, ivy no real need to go for haswell specially in desktop segment. I think even Nehalem still hold on its own.
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