Most Wanted PRO!

Checked and Re-checked... the pictures are all there. You might have some sort off a browser error. Recheck page 1 again. Also, you might have to wait for a bit if you are on a slow connection. There are more than a few pictures.
I am personally using this phone & its just wonderful I must tell. Quite idol in a sense. nice show off Satan. But I think you got the phone quite late as per our last conversation. :)

Good Luck, have fun.

@saksham... Good to know you got one as well, although I am surprised that you did given that you kept insisting that there wasn't much difference between the TP2 and the old TP that you were selling :p

I thought you wanted to go in for a Nokia... change of heart?
no I had someone offering e90, which I wanted to try but once he slipped off I couldn't able to insist myself for it. I am just loving this goody. Will show off soon, lemme have a nice camera first. :)
Congrats! I'm using the the same Energy ROM (8th Nov Build). Except for the bluetooth remote not working, I'm loving mine too :). I've handled lotsa O2s and Diamonds belonging to my friends(this my first WinMo), and this beats them all by a huge margin. Thanks to the awesome skinning HTC has done.
Hows your battery life satan? I have seen some very different results for the same phone. You seems to have been using Angelo's(at0m_ang) ROM. He is my friend, let me know if you want anything personally. Lolz. ;)
@Naga... thanx buddy. We sure waited a long time for it! The Nov.08 21864 build is a battery killer and so is the Nov.18 21869 build that was released today. They are snappier than the Oct 28th release though. AVRCP apparently used to work in the earlier NRG releases but have been broken for quite sometime now. Let's hope he gets it back together.

@saksham... i'm running NRGz rom. Haven't tried Atom's rom yet. Thanks for the offer to help. I'm gonna take you up on that offer. I'm looking for a 6.1 rom (clean) with Manila 2.1. There is a huge demand for those over at XDA. Everybody seems to be caught up in the 6.5 madness.

@gforce... actually I paid about as much as you did... although I saved on shipping and customs which brought the overall cost down by quite a bit.

I am surprised though that you dumped your TP2 for an SE! I can understand if your upgrade was to the HD2, but a Satio??? What gives? Is work getting to you? :p
I am planning to launch my own clean 6.1 ROM. But the thing is that I am waiting for few beta testers to get their TP2 so it becomes easy. :)

BTW how much total it costs to you for a TP2 including all expenses.

Satan said:
@gforce... actually I paid about as much as you did... although I saved on shipping and customs which brought the overall cost down by quite a bit.

I am surprised though that you dumped your TP2 for an SE! I can understand if your upgrade was to the HD2, but a Satio??? What gives? Is work getting to you? :p
lol :rofl:
The TP2 was beginning to get a bit boring, plus I wanted something without a slide out QWERTY as my personal phone. The Satio might not be perfect but fit the bill perfectly. Plus, it's not that I've left the HTC camp - I still have my faithful Hero ready to act as a backup phone if the need ever arises (which I think might be pretty soon since the Satio has had more problems than praises).
Satan. how is phone doing. any corrosion? chip off's.. sign of aging? is it delicate? im picking it up soon. well yeah it almost 10 months that i had planned. it sells for 21k. you think its still a good buy? no i dont think legend and HD mini is a better alternative.