CPU/Mobo Motherboard prices set to climb in 2011, says Asustek executive!

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Digitimes said:
Asustek has decided to raise its quotes for motherboards with the increase rates to vary for different areas in accordance with market demand and position, according to Chewei Lin, general manager of motherboard business unit at Asustek.

The increase is to cope with the labor shortage in China, the NT dollar's appreciation and rising material costs, especially when copper price has soared to over US$9,000 per ton, Lin noted.

Prices of motherboards are expected to hike by 5-10% on average, or even as much as 15%, in the first half of 2011, according to an estimate of industry sources.

The price hike is unlikely to affect the growth momentum of motherboards or sales in DIY channels as some key PC parts and components have actually see prices slide and therefore, the overall purchasing costs for consumers will not increase significantly, Lin commented.

Asustek shipped 5.6 million motherboards in the fourth quarter of 2010, bringing shipments for the year to 21.6 million units, which were short of the company's target of 25 million units. The company expects its motherboard shipments to increase 5% to 22.68 million units in 2011, Lin said.

So better grab that P67 Pro/Dlx/Sabertooth board you were eyeing for. :P

Motherboard prices set to climb in 2011, says Asustek executive
The price hike is unlikely to affect the growth momentum of motherboards or sales in DIY channels as some key PC parts and components have actually see prices slide and therefore, the overall purchasing costs for consumers will not increase significantly, Lin commented.

Sensationalist headline that misses out on what is most relevant to us.
There has been a demand like never before for the ASUS P67 Pro boards for it's unique features like UEFI & hence now the prices will be rising up.
harishgayatri said:
There has been a demand like never before for the ASUS P67 Pro boards for it's unique features like UEFI & hence now the prices will be rising up.
The price is NOT rising.
harishgayatri said:
There has been a demand like never before for the ASUS P67 Pro boards for it's unique features like UEFI & hence now the prices will be rising up.
Hehe, that is just one board!! It's not like motherboard prices are all set to climb coz of Asus P67 demand!! :P
Boot_Comp said:
Also how the heck is China having a labour shortage? :huh:
More of a shortage of labor at current/recent rates. There's been a bunch of recent hoopla about improving conditions for workers, etc,.
So basically they are hinting that they want us to give them the money we saved on buying RAM on their motherboards. No thank you, I'll stick to Gigabyte ....
stalker said:
Sensationalist headline that misses out on what is most relevant to us.

Do they mean other parts have become cheaper and offsets the expense of a pricier mobo?
RD274 said:
So basically they are hinting that they want us to give them the money we saved on buying RAM on their motherboards. No thank you, I'll stick to Gigabyte ....
bottle said:
Do they mean other parts have become cheaper and offsets the expense of a pricier mobo?
lol.. I guess that's what it implies at the end of the day.

Thing is, a $10 hike is significant for a manufacturer/retailer. Not so much for an end buyer.

Yes, we try to hunt around for deals and save every last $/Rupee we have, but at the end of it all, its the manufacturers who deal with volumes significant enough to make the $10 relevant.
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