Android Moto G 2015 battery drain query

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Most users say good battery life for Moto G 2015.
My relative just got his and there seems to be high battery drain - mostly by "System UI".

Could it be due to one app? How do I find which one?
see screen shot :
sorry can't upload image from mobile.
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While I was at his place I disabled adaptive brightness and rebooted.

Until I left, battery usage was normal.

He also mentioned that during the battery drain the phone heated up.
download wake lock detector from play store. It will accurately give you the wakelocks by a particular app when the phone screen is off. If you found that the phone was heating even when screen is off, then most probably a app or a service is keeping the phone awake (using the processor a lot) so the phone heats up. After you find which app and service are keeping the phone awake, we can then work on the solution.
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