After a LONG time I'm upgrading my phone. Looking for a solid android phone.
Decent quality cam, music/sound quality, web experience, email/messaging,fb, smooth interface, games etc are important.
Browsing through severals topics it seems that the Optimus 1 and Moto Defy are one of the most popular choices in their respective price categories. The samsung galaxy sl is a little too expensive for me. I was trying to keep my budget within 15k.
With the discount code on letsbuy, the defy comes to 15.2k and the optimus to 8.5k
The defy has a 5mp cam with flash and seems pretty rugged. I don't know if the cam and other features are significantly superior to the optimus 1. Im trying to figure out if the phone is worth the 6-7k premium over the optimus especially considering the android version that comes with the defy. How big a deal does the version make? Is it laggier? Pardon my ignorance.
The optimus seems to be VERY popular but I also read about its dust problem (apparently it has been resolved since Jan?). Also no flash with the camera. Does it lack anything significant compared to the defy?
Want to place the order for a phone soon and need some advice and suggestions. Need help choosing.
Decent quality cam, music/sound quality, web experience, email/messaging,fb, smooth interface, games etc are important.
Browsing through severals topics it seems that the Optimus 1 and Moto Defy are one of the most popular choices in their respective price categories. The samsung galaxy sl is a little too expensive for me. I was trying to keep my budget within 15k.
With the discount code on letsbuy, the defy comes to 15.2k and the optimus to 8.5k
The defy has a 5mp cam with flash and seems pretty rugged. I don't know if the cam and other features are significantly superior to the optimus 1. Im trying to figure out if the phone is worth the 6-7k premium over the optimus especially considering the android version that comes with the defy. How big a deal does the version make? Is it laggier? Pardon my ignorance.
The optimus seems to be VERY popular but I also read about its dust problem (apparently it has been resolved since Jan?). Also no flash with the camera. Does it lack anything significant compared to the defy?
Want to place the order for a phone soon and need some advice and suggestions. Need help choosing.