Motorola RAZR V3i - Review

Well, spending 13k for a phone that does not run a decent os (read symbian) is a strict no no for me. But still since my bro got a v3i today, i thought i gotta review it... and after fiddling around it for 3 hours.. well! I think i gotta keep it!
It is V3i, or an improved version Of the famed Moto Razr. It has exactly the same dimensions as the original Moto Razr(contrary to what "myMobile" magazine said).


It has major upgrades in camera(1.3 MP vs VGA) and also features mem card Expansion( Micro SD).

Minor upgrade is all the tweakin done to OS to make the navigation faster and more refined..​

[break=Box Contents]
Box Contents

  • V3i handset
  • 710 Mah batt
  • Stereo headset
  • Data cable
  • Wonderful leather pouch
  • Two leather string like strange things that some fellas attach to their cells
  • 256 MB Micro SD
  • 2 software CD's(itunes and mobile phone tools)
  • Owners manual and other stuff

The box looks pretty and sleek, but it is nothin compared to the casin of original RAzr( when it used to come in alumin box and was fr 22k)

[break=Display & Looks]


Well yeah,everyone who knows cellphones knows Razr. It is a slim phone (13.4mm). But please do not call it a "small phone" because it is pretty long and wide.


hmm roughly in length it is same as K750 and is even broader...

but still it's solid metal Baby.and it rocks.

A famous reviewer once said fr Razr: " If god decided to design a phone, then it will be a Razr"

well I guess" If God decided to choose colour Fr Razr then he will choose gunmetal"

It looks just fabulous... way better then all those pink, black and silvery things. sometimes it is purple and sometimes it is dark grey dependin upon the direction of fallin light...

Display and keypad

The keypad is same as original. The internal screen does seem improved(176*220 262k tft)
External screen has been bumped upto 65k ut still looks miserable.

Internal screen is one of the strong points. It is large, colourful and bright
actually it is better then nokia but still worse then sony and samsung

176*220 tfts

Samsung > SE > Motorola > Blokia. ;)

keypad lacks any depth whatsoever but is ok to use.
[break=Specs & Features]
UI and Features

Moto UI is junk . How could they think of somethin so stupid way back in 2000 and still have the guts to put the same synergy UI in razr V3i.

Ah if u are shiftin frm nokia and SE u will hate this UI(but u will soon get adjusted). but it is retarded...

and if u r frm E398 gang congrats, this will suit u to T.

Messagin using Itap however is great but it takes time to learn.
shortcuts abound in the UI basically u can set shortcut anywhere in the menu.
Menu speed is ok to good.

Connectivity and Java

Bluetooth, class 10 GPRS. (irda, EDGE absent)

wap browser is present

Java performace is pretty slow compared to se and nokia.

[break=Camera & Music]

Like I said It has a card slot and a proper Stereo Mp3 player like E398. Morever u get 256 card in box. so u can start loadin it or buy a bigger card( I thnk upto 512) if u want....

The Mp3 files can be MAX 192 Kbps

They can be played in two ways

1> Itunes stupid stupid stupid moto :mad:
2> sounds menu

Itunes does the followin damage

1) 50 songs limit
2)songs hve to be transferred via itunes only.
3)u cannot set them as ringtones :S

The only advantage it has is that Itunes can be minimized while the "sounds menu cannot)

But the sound fr Mp3 player is wonderful. It is same as excellent E398 and maybe a notch below w800i but above Nokia 6681, 6230i.

It has got great bass elements and the included earphones are very comfortable. Equalizer is not there. volume is sufficient fr indoors, but outdoors I am not sure...........:no:

Fm Radio Is ABSENT.

It is 1.3 Mp unit without flash/AF/macro. Actually it is same as RAZR ,but the resolution has been bumped....

some points abt the cam are:

1) Full screen viewfinder
2) Immediate capture of image (missing in most megapixel camera phones)
3)good whitebalance but the focus is rather soft.
4)several effects are available

Video recorder that records in 3gp 176*144 is also present and is pathetic like all phone cams.

[break=Final Take]


Network reception is good like all motorola's

Earpiece volume is rather LOW. so do test in a shop before u buy to make sure u r comfortable with it.

batt life I am not sure.. I will tell in a few days...

Go fr V3i if u wanna flaunt the coolest phone in the market. It looks cool and the new shade has loads of attitude.

even though the features are compromised, the mp3 player is not too bad and the camera is also rather good( atleast they are better then Original RAzr)

however fr 13.3k (with bill) u can get K750i, and hell this will not even be a honest comparison. The black SE is a power phone . Moto V3i is not. but It is a very good lookin phone and to some people only this matters!

  • Great looks
  • Mem expansion
  • Good accessories in box
  • Upgraded camera
  • Supports USB mass storage/ plug and play
  • Transfer speed is rather good.
  • Loudspeaker is loud and clear
  • All features are average, nothin special
  • itunes has a song limit of 50
  • IMP> back cover/battery door is very difficult to Fix in it's place. so please try bfore u buy
  • Refuses to reconize my bluetooth dongle,but pairs well with Nokia 6681....
  • 13.5 Mb internal memory. 256 external in box

rating : 7.5/10
[break=Sample Pictures]
Sample Pictures

Some pics frm the built in camera

With negative effect

hmm very bad focus indeed...
aka911 said:
What I was talkin about was the volume of calls durin conversation... ie when u actually talk to any other person.......That is rather low

I never face any problem like this as still today I can mark Mototola No.1 on this point (good reception and calling voice clearity) what suck is Ring Tone & Battery only. (at least with me and my friend)
I never face any problem like this as still today I can mark Mototola No.1 on this point (good reception and calling voice clearity) what suck is Ring Tone & Battery only. (at least with me and my friend)

Yeah, moto used to best in this regard, but I think the whole slim line
(Razr,SLvr) is affected by this...
To add a few points to aka911's excellent review (I've been reviewing the phone myself, the past couple of days):

1. I love itunes normally, but transferring audio to the phone via itunes is AWFULLY SLOW.In spite of this happening over the USB 2.0 interface. Have you faced this problem aka911?
2. The mobile phone camera quality sucks in my opinion. Head over to my enfield thread and have a look at the first two images that I posted of my bike. These pictures were taken at 1280x960 with the V3i but the quality is terrible. See for yourself.
3. The memory card, unlike in the SLVR, cannot be accessed directly, and instead is located underneath the battery. So you have to turn off the phone and remove the battery to change/remove the card.
4. Speaker quality is great, but the headphone volume is too soft for noisy Mumbai outdoors.
5. None of the images taken contain any embedded EXIF information.

Although this is most definitely the sexiest phone ever made, I'd pick up the Sony Ericsson K750i if I had the thirteen odd thousand to spend. Well, to each his own ..
1) Well, I frankly hate the iTunes player. I have installed DAP player(java based E398 player.. links provided by param earlier in this thread..) on V3i and use that to play back the music...:)

morever I think that transfer using usb cable , even though slower then card reader is wayyy faster then a pop port based Nokia cable.

(even though I love the small artwork on itunes):p
2)The camera quality sucks, I agree. completely.. well anyway the pics are good fr wallpapers... u could not have expected more within 5mm of front cover....

3)To access memory card u have to remove the back cover, but u don't have to switch the phone off or remove the battery...(IMO)
I myself have never removed that tiny card.. I am happy with plug and play...
I will try it tomorrow and tell u ....

4)speaker is more then loud. earphone volume is low but quality is great

I agree with tracer that even though this phone costs just 13k this phone looks sexier then maybe even more costlier phones like 8800(even though I stil find the black Razr looks best)..
Motorola is going to launch the V3i in some more colors other then gun-metal grey.

so all those who want this phone but hate this colour will have to wait a while...;)
Argus said:
Got it in Rs.11800, with bill with warranty. Looks gorgeous but nothing to write home abt the features.
11800 with bill and warranty!?!? From where?? If u in Mumbai plz give me store details.
Hey.. hopefully I will get one too... resident forces are pushing me to get it :) Nonestly I am happy with my cheapo Nokia 2600 as iPod 30GB is gr8 companion.
hmmm further updates.. (neccessary bcause if u own a moto, then u gotta mess and mod it)

1) messed up my itunes BIG time, finally managed to delete it.

2) Seem edited to allow the default "sounds" player to play music while flip is closed..

3) SEEM edited to allow to choose location of storage of sms...

regards ,aka

phone price drops to 12k all over India..
anyways, Just wanted to tell u that my v3i went dead today! :(

My mistake: fell in water tub! have given it fr repairs.. let us see what happens...
