Motorola Xoom quad core for back to school

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We heard that Tegra 3 aka Kal-El, quad core should start shipping in early Q3 and it looks like Motorola might be the first to ship the product.

Nvidia reportedly said to ship Kel-El in August. Our sources suggest that Motorola plans to ship its new tablet around back to school time, and with this specification, this tablet can make a stand against iPad 2.

You should see a new tablet around September time, sources suggest. Graphics is reported to be much faster on Kal El compared to Tegra 2 and iPad 2 and Nvidia will promote the new chip with gaming in mind. Imagine FSAA 16X in Angry Birds Rio at 60 FPS, all passively cooled.

Until that time you have to settle for Cortex A9 dual cores such as Tegra 2 or similar or go for the iPad 2.
Source: Motorola Xoom quad core for back to school

Quad Core tables in H2 this year :O Mobile phones and tablet processing power is growing at a rapid pace in the last couple of years :hap5:
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