PC Peripherals Mouse: Laser or Cordless-Optical?


Hey guys.

I've been using this basic Logitech Optical Mouse for an eternity. It's starting to age and the pointer goes haywire every now and then(only at the 'smooth' parts of my table). I've tried another mouse(bad scroll wheel) and it works perfectly on my desk. So, it's the mouse, indeed.

So, my question is, should I get a new laser mouse? My budget is around 1k, but I can extend it to 1.5k. I think the iBall Laser Precise mouse is around 600-700, isn't it? Any other laser mice under 1.5k?(preferably cordless. I know I'm stretching it a bit too much!).

Which is the cheapest cordless laser mouse anyways? If not cordless, can you suggest good wired laser mice?
there is a wireless version of the iball laser mini(laptop mouse)

for <1k, the iball laser is pretty much the only one there is . there seem to be others, most seem to be clones of the iball with different ergonomics, but same hardware . i guess some OEM makes the sensor/drivers
You can get the Genius Ergo 525 for around 1600 bucks. If its too big for you, the microsoft laser mouse 6000 is arnd 1.9 grand. I use that... incredibly good mouse.
Go for the Genius Ergo 525. Its a 2000 DPI Laser mouse and quite good. Its based on the same laser sensor as the Razer copperhead and Logitech G5. Theres also an improved version, Ergo 535 based on same sensor, but not sure about the price.
hardcore FPS players swear by corded laser mice.. i have a copperhead for the occasional CS sessions, but my skill level is obviously not good enough to notice any tangible benefits from the mouse ;)

more of a RTS game player... wireless optical mouse is good enough for that ;)
Thanks for the replies guys.

I guess I'll go in for the iBall laser precise. I'm not a gamer at all(Unless you consider Tetris :p). The only issue with optical mice was that I've had a couple in a year, and both have had problems with my table. Though I'd like to say that I have another iBall optical mouse, which doesn't have any problems whatsoever(Unfortunately, its scroll wheel is broken).
anand said:
Thanks for the replies guys.

I have another iBall optical mouse, which doesn't have any problems whatsoever(Unfortunately, its scroll wheel is broken).

dunno if its a problem with iball mice, but my laser's scroll skips these days , and another friend had his scroll die entirely. he got it RMA'd , but i opend mine up and voided the warranty :ashamed:. either way, iball has a 3 year warranty, so not an issue if you keep the seal :p

the compatibility of this mouse with surfaces is awesome... it works on glass, even my bare skin or clothes :D, even if its raised slightly high ( about 1 cm) off the surface

the funniest bit is if you turn the mouse upside down and keep your hand vertically above the sensor about one foot high... you can see the cursor start wiggling :lol:
Hey, even I had opened the mouse when the scroll wheel died :p I guess I'll call the iBall distributor(Best IT) and get it delivered today/tomorrow(I know him) :)
dont install the drivers btw, they're useless. if you want , install the drivers for any of the earlier series of iball 5 button mice( i installed the black cat drivers)

if you want , try it out...but the 6th mouse button menu is annoying and useless IMO

otherwise, it acts as the middle mouse + back button :D

for even better options , plug it into PS2 and install microsoft intellipoint drivers... you'll be able to get goodies like resolution switching :hap2:
@ anand:

I gave you the suggestion to go for iBall. don't I deserve a REPUTATION Upgrade for this beautiful suggestion :bleh: It is LOW for a long long time even if I gave good/fair suggestion to many TEs. :no: :(

imo you can go for Genius Ergo 525 for around Rs.1600 bucks since you have a good budget, its a very good mouse, i have used and it and find it little better than the Logitech MX518 which i own :)
Frankly speaking, I-Ball is neither good nor ergonomic... if you are low on budget, you are better off with an MS comfort optical 3000.
^^ I agree, speed is not always important, you need good comfort also, which iball lacks atleast thats wat i feel when i used it. I have used MS Comfort 3000 its a good one except for the middle click using the scroll wheel, you need to get adjusted to it, which will take someime and btw this one has 1000dpi ;).
Chaos said:
Frankly speaking, I-Ball is neither good nor ergonomic... if you are low on budget, you are better off with an MS comfort optical 3000.

I agree too as I have used a I-ball & threw it due to 0% comfort & paining hands