did a bit of looking around and realised that there are quite a few mp3 players one can get for less than 4k these days. here's the list:
Cowon iAudio U2 1GB-3k
Transcend T610 1GB-2.3k
Transcend T630 1GB-2.4k
Transcend T820 2GB-3.2k (plays video)
Transcend T840 4GB-4k (plays video)
iPod Shuffle 1GB-4.3k
Creative Zen V Plus 1GB-4k (plays video)
Creative Zen Stone Plus 2GB -3.8k
Samsung YP U3 1GB -3.3k
Philips GoGear SA1355/97 1GB-3k
Philips 3115/97 1GB-4k (plays video)
Sony NW-S203F/B 1GB-4k
Sony NW-E005F/B 2GB-4k
actually the list is quite long, even though i have eliminated many players which i think are not easily available. and mind you, these are all players from top brands.
now i personally want a player that can support 'drag and drop' (am really irritated with iTunes)for the music files- which i think is not possible with the Apple, Sony and Creative players. so i guess that the Cowon U2 is my best bet. what do you guys think?