MP3 player suggestions ~4k

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Thanx guys, i got the player i mentioned in my first post.

Its very nice and it sounds better than my Expressmusic 5220.

Plus it has a dedi bass button which increases it by atleast 20%

Time to look for decent earphones, will try pl-30 prolly.
Nice purchase i own NWZ-B142F/B (2 GB) excellent sound Quality and as i love Base function so its awesome for me even i am looking for good pair of inear phones may be PL-11 or Ep-630. Any advice?
Transcend is decent for the storage it offers for that price. But SQ is not as good as the Sony's or even the Philips Go gear ones.

Build quality is also average and the keys are a bit tacky.
@Konquerror thank you for i am bit reluctant to buy Ep-630 as they are bit expensive also they tend to go kaput very early.

Update ----> Bought PL-11 today from SMC International Delhi. Humm Since I love Base so compared to Ep-630 Base I find Pl-11 Base to be bit low not crisp enough bit muddy else very impressive SQ will try it for 2 more days if by then i like it then I will keep it else will hunt for Ep-630
I m still confused which player to get...

Most say transcend mp860 is old now and doesnt sound good...need basic sound quality as good as iriver and good video support
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