mp3 player

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in mp3 players which brand has the best sound quality. i will not buy an amp.
ipod, creative, cowon, iriver, sandisk... or any other brand that i dont know of.
i mostly listen to soft/hard rock , metal.
okies if ur budget is 4~5K my vote goes to Creative ZEN i have it from past 8 months till date no issues :D ,but i heard even Cowon D2 is good ,depends on what u like but a big no to IPOD ,some how hate it coz it doesnt have much features as the rest go thru the reviews and previews u should be getting review of all the players available in market :ohyeah:
The iaudio7 is pretty good though the interface and screensize are not very comfortable. Its doesn't require any s/w to be installed and got line in, mic etc too apart from a ridiculously long battery time.
budget would be 8-10k. il be buying from dubai.

so what should i go for? somehow im not fond of the ipod ...its all show and currently i own the creative zen nano plus so if im buying onw i need to be sure that the sound quality will be better than what i have coz then theres no use of buying.
will the SQ be significantly better than my creative or there wont be much difference?

how much is the D2 are irivers
Go for CowonD2, its a pleasure to listen soft detailed acoustical music(never knew P. Mauriat and Fausto Papett would sound that great) and It looks really classy too.
ive been reading around a bit and i saw a iriver Lplayer which apparently has really good sound quality and maybe even better than the D2.

also i want to know if i buy a phone in 10k it obviously has an mp3 player but will the sound quality of D2 be better than the phone? coz if not then i rather buy a phone with that money
ok guys im really in a fix here..ive read reviews and somehow the iriver and creative zen have got better reviews than the cowon D2. il be going to croma tomorrow to check them out. but im thinking i will have to buy earphones too if i really want to enjoy the music so i need to fit that too in my budget. currently i own a cresyn e630 which are pretty decent. but you guys suggest which earphones should i buy. im keeping 8k for the player and 2k for earphones. in dubai hopefully i will have access to more earphones.


do i spend on a phone and buy earphones...will that be as good as a standalone mp3 player?
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